Dan's Route From Sea Cadets To Working On A 30m Motor Yacht
9 years ago

Dan Snook was arguably one of UKSA’s keenest new recruits, as he first put his name down for the Professional Yacht Cadetship when he was just 15! He began the course at 18.

Dan’s dad used to be in the Merchant Navy and Dan started Sea Cadets at the age of 12. He was clearly perfect for being out at sea as he showed huge promise early on. He was selected for the Sea Cadets yacht racing squad TS Rebel and ended up teaching sailing, which is when people started telling him about UKSA.

He was funded by Trinity House to do the Cadetship. He said: “My Trinity House funding has been a big help as my parents would never have been able to pay for my course, so it’s taken a lot of strain off their shoulders and they are really happy. Getting selected for the Cadetship was a really proud moment.”

Mum Julie was happy with his choice of UKSA: “From a parent’s point of view, him leaving home and me knowing he was going to UKSA has been so nice as I knew he was being looked after. I love the open door policy as the team have been amazing and always there for Daniel to go to. The caring side has been so immense. I could not praise it enough.”

Dan is currently working onboard a 30m Motor Yacht in the Mediterranean.

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