Charlotte On Her Field Service Apprenitceship
4 years ago

We spoke to Charlotte about her apprenticeship experience and why she loves being a Field Service Engineer.

Tell us who you are and what you do

My name is Charlotte, I’m a Field Engineer apprentice based in East Anglia. Field Service Engineers are mobile engineers that install and repair products for businesses, such as telephone systems, routers and many other products.

What made you choose an apprenticeship in Field Service?

I worked at a holiday park, teaching Segway lessons and go karting to children. While this was great fun, it didn’t have much in the way of career prospects or a future for me.
After looking around online, I come across BT apprenticeships, applied, and ended up out in the field! This was a complete 360 to my previous job. When I told people about my new role, most where very taken back as they didn’t necessarily think this is a career path I would take!

What do you love about Field Service?

I love that every day is completely different, it brings new situations and challenges. With each new day I progress my knowledge and experience. There’s no chance I would ever say I’m sick of the same routine!

I also am super grateful for my team of Engineers that I work with some of them feel like family to me now, and I know they are always there when I need them for help. Having that support system is great for when you’re having bad days or struggling with anything, the kindness I have felt from the guys has been kind of overwhelming!

What would you say to someone considering an apprenticeship in Field Service?

For anyone interested in Field Service as their career, I would definitely recommend applying, especially if you’re looking for a job that is different every day.

I would also encourage more girls to consider a career in Field Service, break the mould and the stigma that engineering roles hold, it’s a job for everyone!

Another bonus is sometimes you see cute dogs in small businesses, so if you’re a dog lover like me this is right up your street!

What do you see yourself doing after completing your apprenticeship?

After completing my apprenticeship I definitely want to stay in Field Service for a while, but I am lucky that BT offers so many different ways to upskill and change into new sectors of the business; there are a few sectors that have caught my eye!

You can find more opportunities like Charlotte's on the Not Going To Uni site! 

Not Going To Uni

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