Be Wiser Apprentice Questions - Tom Jones
9 years ago


Tom Jones

Job Title

Sales Consultant



Where do you live?


What school/college did you attend?

The Willink School and 6th Form – Burghfield Common

Why did you decide to do an apprenticeship?

I saw the apprenticeship as a great opportunity to gain qualifications alongside working full time. I realised I could use the skills and knowledge from my work role, to help him work towards achieving a recognised, valuable qualification.

Why did you choose Be Wiser?

I heard about Be Wiser through a friend that was already employed within the company. When I attended the interview I got a really good feel for the company and was pleased to be offered a position here.

How does the training/apprenticeship work?

I have to complete some work for the apprenticeship in his own time, but I am also regularly met by my assessor to carry out observation and professional discussions to gather evidence for the NVQ.

What have you studied/learnt to date?

So far I have completed my Home, Motor and IF1 exams, making me Cert Cii qualified.

What qualifications did you have before starting your apprenticeship?

I studied my A Levels at 6th Form and gained the following: Physical Education, English and Biology. I also gained a B grade at GCSE Level for both Maths and English.

What do you like the most about your apprenticeship?

I like that the apprenticeship is a work based qualification and links in very closely with the work I do on a daily basis. Be Wiser also pay very competitive salaries and not just the minimum wage for Apprentices, so I am very pleased that I am paid above that minimum wage.

Once you have completed your apprenticeship what are you career plans?

I would be keen to look into any further training I could do to benefit me in my job role. I would also be interested in looking at roles within the Training team in the future

What advice would you give someone that maybe considering an apprenticeship?

Make sure the apprenticeship is going to be beneficial to you and something you are interested in.

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