Ashley Robinson - Customer Service Apprentice
9 years ago

Ashley Robinson has been on the National Express customer service apprenticeship programme. He has impressed them so much he has recently been awarded with employee of the month.

How long have you been on your apprenticeship?

5 months

Did Remit help you to find a placement/employer?

Yes, it was a really quick process

Why did you choose to do an apprenticeship?

I didn’t want to go to university and I found the apprenticeship would give the skills I needed to progress.

Did you consider going to College / University? If yes, why did you change your mind?

I did apply for university, but it never really excited me and I felt an apprenticeship was right thing for me.

Why did you choose to work in customer service?

I have grew up with transport, my dad worked on rail for 25 years and I have always had an interest in it. Finding an apprenticeship within the transport industry learning customer service was a way for me to get into the industry.

What is the best thing you have learnt whilst on your programme?

One of the best things I’ve learnt during my programme is that there is always something around the corner to learn and every day seems to be a new learning curve. No day is the same.

How has your new skills / knowledge helped you in your job role?

My skills/ knowledge has massively helped me with customers and assisting them with their queries. The knowledge about the transport network especially with questions about onward travel for customers.

What are your career ambitions?

I would like to become a train driver, using my knowledge of the transport industry I have gained whilst on my apprenticeship.

How has your apprenticeship made an impact on you personally? i.e. confidence

It has made me more work aware and what is involved in working as part of a team. It has made me grow into a better person as a whole.

State three words to describe your apprenticeship

Energetic, Fast-flowing, Surprising

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