Arvin Chadee- Racing Groom, Horse Racing
6 years ago

What do you do and where do you do it?

I currently work in the horseracing industry for Dean Ivory Racing as a Racing Groom in Radlett, Hertfordshire.

What’s involved in this role?

A fairly traditional racing yard, we start at 6:30am where everyone mucks out three horses, which involves cleaning the horses stable, adding more bedding and cleaning their feed and water buckets. We then tack up, which is preparing a horse for exercise by applying appropriate equipment such as the bridle, saddle and leg bandages. Your first horse should be ready for exercise by 7:30am. The horses are warmed up through trotting and plenty of walking, before heading off to canter up the gallops, we ride between 3 and 4 horses a day.

What do you enjoy about working in horseracing?

I thoroughly enjoy being part of a racing yard, it’s a unique experience. No job can replicate the comradery and togetherness you develop with your fellow colleagues like in a racing yard. Whether it’s discussing what horses your riding, how they might run at the races or the thrill of riding an elite athlete at high speeds, your never alone, surrounded by great horses an even greater people.

Why Horseracing?

I have always been passionate about horseracing having been introduced to the sport at a young age; therefore it has always been an ambition of mine to be an integral part of it. To achieve this I attended the Northern Racing College where I achieved my Apprenticeship and a Level 1 and 2 Diploma in Racehorse Care and Riding. Initially, I was hesitant about entering the racing industry, having not come from a horse background, it’s a decision I am glad I made and have never looked back.

How did you find yourself in this career?

The Northern Racing College in Doncaster, proved to be the catapult that thrusted me into the Horseracing industry. Although I have been an avid fan of the sport for as long as I can remember, I had a significant amount of learning to do in order to be competent enough to work in racing. Growing up in North London I had never ridden or been around horses, everything I experienced at the NRC was completely new to me. Whether you have previously worked in racing, another equine discipline or a complete novice like myself, the NRC caters for everyone, ensuring they train every student to the high standard required for a career in racing. As with any new adventure, it was initially difficult, I had so much to learn. Everything I have achieved and will ever achieve is largely down to the great training and education I received at the start of my journey at the Northern Racing College.

Why is your role important?

The role of the racing staff is pivotal to the successes of racehorses on the racecourse. We are responsible for the overall care and wellbeing of the horse throughout its training career. This includes exercise, which varies depending on their training schedule, grooming, transporting to and from the races and basic medical care. Racing staff are the foundation of the racing industry and without their hard work and dedication the sport would not exist.

Why did you choose an apprenticeship?

I choose to enroll on the Northern Racing College 12 week’s residential course which led to an Apprenticeship, as it provided the best way for me to gain a better understanding of how the racing industry operates and progress in to a career in racing. For me personally the Apprenticeship was ideal as it coupled lectures and theory work with the practical skills of riding and working with the horses.

Advice for people considering a career in racing

Go for it! If you enjoy working outdoors and being around horses no job would will give you the satisfaction or thrill like working in racing.

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