Apprenticeships Lead To Full-time Work
10 years ago

After completing his Level 2 and Level 3 Apprenticeship in Business Administration at Shipley College, Jonny was thrilled to be taken on as a full-time member of staff bythe Physical Resources Team at the College. “I found it a very rewarding experience and it certainly helped me into full-time employment.” said Jonny. Jonny’s manager, Mel Erangey said: “When he started as an apprentice, aged 18, he demonstrated commitment and became an asset, fitting wellinto college life.”

Carly Newsholme, Business Development Team Leader, noted that “Apprenticeships are a great option for students who have made a consciouschoice not to go to university as well for those who are looking to enter work at 16.” The College works with partners from a wide range of industry sectors including companies such as UKAR, Hallmark cards, NHS BDCT andNorthcliffe Golf Course. If you are interested in an Apprenticeship, check out the Jobs Board on our website or send your CV to [email protected].

Jobs Board [email protected]

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