Another Student Of Sesame Bankhall Group’s Financial Adviser School Has Graduated And Found Work Offering Advice With A Practice.
10 years ago

Former PA Megan Hayes has now passed her R01 and R05 exams and is giving protection advice at West Yorkshire-based Christopher Little & Company as an appointed representative.While undertaking her CF6 mortgage advice studies, Ms Hayes described her experience at the FAS as a steep learning curve , but ultimately a fruitful one, affording her the flexibility to be her own boss.She said: Having passed my exams and having taken a brave step in to the unknown, I can now firmly say I am made for this. This follows the successes of former FAS graduates Sarah Stone, who is an adviser at Essex-based Harbour Financial, and Joe Howe, a postgraduate student who completed work experience at Warwickshire-based advisory firm Warwick Financial Solutions.Earlier this year, Ms Stone won the Scottish Widows IFA newcomer of the year award at the eighth Scottish Widows awards.

This comes as speculation mounts about the new ownership of SBG, whose parent company Friends Life announced in February that it had appointed Barclays Capital to conduct a strategic review, which could see it sell part of its operations to a third party, possibly as a management buy-out.A spokesman for SBG said there were no fixed plans regarding the firms future ownership.In the summer, Matt Timmins, managing director of SimplyBiz, said the firm was interested in buying SBGs support services firm Bankhall, and claimed it had the capacity to restore it back to its glory years.

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