Amy's Story
4 years ago

I am volunteering at Calvert Trust Kielderas part of my placement year from university where I am studying for a degree in BSc Adventure Recreation Management. For this reason I am volunteering on the Activity team.

I was nervous before I startedthe placementas I was not really sure how I would settle in to what was my first instructing experience, however as soon as I arrivedI felt very at ease and I was made to feel comfortable and welcome by all of the staff. I quickly settled in to my accommodation and the job and with the help of other activity staff began learning more about the activities and the work carried out at the centre. They are all very willing to teach and share their tips and skills with me, which are completely invaluable as practical skills have been very hard to develop whilst being at university.

The work is wonderfully varied and every day is a new learning experience, people of all different ages and abilities visit Calvert Trust Kielder to take part in a massive range of different activities and it has been a complete privilege to get to work with so many of them. Not only am I learning vital skills that will help me when I seek employment after university but I have had a really fantastic time. I feel very lucky to be working in such an inspiring environment with such enthusiastic guests and staff.

Since I have arrived here even though I am a volunteer I have been made to feel very much part of the team by all of the staff and guests. I will definitely come back and volunteer atCalvert Trust Kielder after my final year at University!

Amy Richardson, University Placement

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