Alex Beech - Veolia
2 years ago

Meet Alex, Alex has been at Veolia for 8 years and in this time has completed two apprenticeships; L3 business administration and L3 CMI management. Read on to find out why he joined Veolia and how he’s contributing to building a better world.

Why did you decide to join Veolia?

I was 18 when I decided to join Veolia. At the time I did not know what I wanted to do for my career so there were a couple of reasons why I was attracted to work for Veolia. The brand of the company I found quite compelling, 'to resource the world', was something that resonated with me, trying to do my bit to help with the environment and using resources wisely/sustainably. Upon looking further into the company I felt they provided a great selection of work and departments to move into. Having choice was a big pull for me as I was unsure exactly where I would see myself in future. 

Tell us what a typical day looks like as an apprentice at Veolia.

On the whole, a day in the life of an apprentice is just like any normal working day. You have an important role to play in the team and are required to complete your job to the best possible standards, as it should be. What makes it slightly different is learning alongside your job. Veolia, and specifically the Fleet team which I am a part of, do a great job of seamlessly combining working and an apprenticeship. I was provided the time and support to learn and improve my job role, while also being given the same to complete my learning and apprenticeship.

How are you contributing to building a better world?

My job involves developing our Fleet management systems and constantly innovating. We are always working to digitalise processes to take away our need for paper resources, and using system improvements to help streamline our work and make us more efficient.

What do you enjoy the most about your job?

My immediate and wider team are the best part of my job. They give me the support I need to complete my job effectively and I get on really well with everybody. This is a major contributor to enjoying my work day which I am a big believer in. We work to live, not live to work.

Can you tell us more about the team you work with?

My team is a great bunch. We have a manager who gives us the support and time we need without hesitation. My colleagues all work for each other and help out whenever needed. We all respect each other and also have fun as and when we can to make sure we have an enjoyable day, every day.

What has changed at Veolia since you joined?

I see Veolia has become more progressive and forward thinking as a company. I constantly see various directives provided by our HR team to push us forward to be a more inclusive, encompassing 21st century company. We have made big investments in our people, structure and systems which have been really positive.

If you are interested in an apprenticeship at Veolia and want to find out more about us, you can visit our profile here. Alternatively, you can visit our website.

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