Young Person's Guarantee?
4 years ago

A lifeline for youthAs we prepare for economic recovery, the competition for jobs has never been fiercer. With record numbers of school leavers and graduates looking for work, the job market in 2010 will be as challenging as ever. But if the struggle to find work has been getting you down, some great news has arrived. A new package of support from the Government launched last month offers tens of thousands of new jobs, internships, work experience and training opportunities to young jobseekers across the UK.What's happening?The Government is determined to give every young person the help they need to improve their skills and find work. This is part of a major drive to get young people who are struggling to find work into meaningful jobs or give them the opportunity to develop their talents and build experience.What do I get?Since January, anyone between the age of 18-24 who has been registered unemployed for six months or more will benefit from one of thousands of opportunities being created by the Government to help young people develop and unleash their talents. There are four options that make up the Young Persons Guarantee:· Thousands of new jobs created through the Future Jobs Fund at localcouncils, charities, voluntary organisations and community projects in a range of fields such as recycling, gardening, childcare, sports coaching and transport.· Specialist training in one of the major growth-sectors, including retail, hospitality, security or social care, with the aim of landing a job at the end of it.· Work-focused training to build relevant skills for the job market.· Working on a local community project to develop skills and experience.And it's not just those who have been unemployed for over six months who get to benefit. As part of the Backing Young Britain campaign, employers across the country are lending their support and offering a range of apprenticeships, work experience and mentoring opportunities to under 25s.Jobsearch mentorsEver wished there was someone you could turn to for advice about your career and the world of business? >From this month, unemployed 18-24 year olds can take advantage of over 10,000 mentoring places with experienced professionals offering guidance, support and training. Hundreds of new internships and work trials are also up for grabs giving young people the chance to get some experience in the workplace, build contacts and prove themselves to an employer.Get a break in businessIf you have a great idea for a business but weren't sure how to get it off the ground, then Jobcentre Plus is also the first place to turn to transform your business dreams into a reality. Budding young entrepreneurs can get advice from their Jobcentre Plus personal adviser on where to go for information on putting together a business plan and finding financial support towards starting their own company. Jobcentre Plus works alongside partners such as Business Link, who provide more detailed advice and personal support about getting a business up and running, and youth charity The Prince's Trust who offer young people training, and grants to get started. Enterprising young jobseekers who want to be their own boss should chat to their personal adviser about what to do next.Head to your Jobcentre PlusJobseekers entitled to help will be told about all the new opportunities being created in their area by their local Jobcentre Plus personal adviser and be recommended for a job, work-focused training or work experience.

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