Why Should You Forget 'jobs For Life' & Seek Skills Instead?
4 years ago

The idea that you can go to university or take an apprenticeship and then find a job that will stand you in good stead for the rest of your life is a bit outdated. Sure, it can happen, as there is always an exception to prove the rule, but the working life for most people is one that sees different jobs, a variety of different employers, and even the occasional total change of career!

Key consideration

In today's rapidly changing job market, I highly recommend you forget the traditional concept of "jobs for life" and focus on acquiring skills instead. So, which skills exactly should you acquire, and why are skills beneficial instead of directly grabbing a job? Here are some key considerations I've pointed out to help you:

Technological advancements

Technological advancements are taking place at an unprecedented pace. It means soon, there will be automation of almost every common job, and in that time, the creation of new ones will take place. You might have to change the skills relevant today; they will become obsolete in a few years. If you prioritize skill acquisition, you can ensure you're adaptable and equipped to handle evolving job demands. So, never stick to your existing skills and keep learning new ones!

Modern job market

Another aspect is the modern job market itself. It has become volatile and unpredictable, but in what way? Well, economic shifts, global events, and industry disruptions can lead to layoffs and job losses. It means if you rely solely on a single job or career path, you may be left vulnerable. However, if you've developed a diverse skill set, it will allow you to pivot and explore various opportunities.

Lifelong Learning

If you embrace a skills-oriented approach, it will encourage continuous learning throughout your career. This mindset will improve personal growth, and you'll be able to remain competitive in a constantly changing environment.

Transferable Skills

Many skills are transferable across industries and roles. If you build a foundation of essential skills like problem-solving & critical thinking, you can open doors to a wide range of opportunities.

Entrepreneurial Mindset

By acquiring a variety of skills, you can easily become an entrepreneur or a freelancer to earn right away. Instead of relying solely on traditional employment, you can create your own business or offer your skills independently.

Personal Development

If you pursue skills beyond your primary job function, it can lead to personal satisfaction and fulfilment. Also, by engaging in hobbies or learning unrelated skills, you can enhance your overall quality of life.

Diverse Experiences

By focusing on learning new skills, you can explore various roles and industries. It will help you gain diverse experiences that can enrich your perspective and make you a more well-rounded professional.

What are the Traditional notions of the 'job for life?'

Traditional notions of the 'job for life' are increasingly obsolete as contract work and a variety of different employment models become more common. But what does this all mean for you as someone who is looking at entering the world of work?

It means that you need to enter employment with a slightly different focus to that your grandparents did – who would have sought a job that they could stay at for a long time as they filled a pension pot and built up benefits over time.

These days there are few guarantees when it comes to career advancement, but you can get ahead if you seek skills rather than a 'job for life.' Your skills are proof that you are employable, plus skills can build and grow to make you a greater asset to an employer, and you can take your skills and experience with you wherever you go.

What does the LinkedIn survey show?

This new way of thinking about a career has been shown via a LinkedIn survey of over 10,000 workers who were changing jobs. Over 53% of them said that they were looking for better career opportunities, and the chance to improve their skills was a primary factor in that. Unless you can grow, you run the risk of stagnating and letting others push ahead of you.

This doesn't mean that you should constantly look to change your job – especially if you manage to find one that you enjoy – but rather that you need to see yourself as a little business in your own right. You need to make yourself an asset to your employer, and you can constantly improve your worth by developing new skills.

An apprenticeship, for example, is a great way to enter into a chosen career. Not only do you get real on-the-job training and a qualification to prove you know what you are doing, but the majority of apprentices go straight into (relevant) employment once they qualify. However, this is really just the start of your journey as you look to progress in your career.

As well as skills you may need to work hard to market yourself. Just getting on with your job and hoping someone will notice may not be enough for you to get promoted. Make sure your work is noticed and appreciated (without coming across as a big-head!), but also be sure to help others too.

Expert Tips from My Experience

Your working life is a mesh of different relationships that you need to foster – from those of your colleagues to clients and, of course, your boss. Alienate or anger one group, and you could find your career starting to stall.

The key is to stay employable, which means making sure you grow your skills and usefulness across your career. Overthinking your career can leave you stuck. You need to act and start building on your career in order to see it progress, and picking up extra skills while at work is an easy way to do this.

If you are not working right now or not working in an area that you want to stay in, you may need to put in some extra effort – but perhaps volunteering could be the answer – basically swapping your time for skills and experience rather than money. This may not be an option for everyone – but either way, you will need to have a plan.

Just drifting along and hoping everything will turn out well may leave you behind the pack, so be proactive - seek to improve your brand, your skills and your employability, and you should see your career progress!


Why is the traditional concept of "jobs for life" becoming outdated?

The traditional concept of "jobs for life" is becoming outdated due to rapid technological advancements and changing economic landscapes. The main reason is the automation in jobs. The industry disruptions mean that job roles can change or disappear quickly. Therefore, embracing skill acquisition is important as it allows you to remain adaptable in the face of such changes.

How does focusing on skills improve job market resilience?

You should prioritize skills over specific job titles. It will make you more resilient in a dynamic job market. By continuously learning and acquiring versatile skills, you can pivot to new opportunities and industries if your current role becomes obsolete or if the job market experiences shifts.

Can't I rely on my education and experience alone?

While education and experience are important, they aren't sufficient in the face of rapid technological changes. Skills are a practical application of knowledge and experience, and you can develop and adapt them over time. IF you rely solely on your existing qualifications, it will limit your ability to adapt to new challenges.


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