Why I Chose To Do An Apprenticeship

My decision to do an apprenticeship was a leap of faith and one that changed my life for the better!

What was I doing before my apprenticeship?

Like many students after graduating from university, I didn’t know what to do and felt under pressure to figure it out. I was scared of being stuck in the retail job I’d worked in for five years and was ready for something different.

I’ve always had a passion for writing and media, I studied Film at university with the intention of breaking into film criticism or radio. I applied to study for a masters degree in Journalism at a local university and was excited to accept a place on the course, but as the weeks went on I began to question whether it was what I really wanted.

I completed my undergraduate degree during the pandemic and was thrown into the unknown. I hadn’t worked remotely before, wasn’t able to access the right resources, felt there was a lack of support, and lost the social aspect I loved so much. I remember feeling a wave of relief after handing in my last assignment knowing I wouldn’t have to do it again, so why was I making myself go back?

I withdrew my application and began looking for other opportunities, but there weren’t many. I didn’t want to force myself into something I didn’t enjoy, although that’s not always the case, and knew I wanted to begin a career.

How did I discover my apprenticeship?

After scrolling endlessly through job sites I couldn’t find anything that didn’t require experience, I felt like I’d hit a wall. It was only then I noticed how often I was seeing digital marketing apprenticeships pop up and decided to take a closer look.

An apprenticeship wasn’t something I’d considered and didn’t know I’d be eligible for as a graduate. And like many I believed the misconception that an apprentice only made the tea and photocopied a few documents.

I discovered that an apprenticeship was so much more and would be the best choice for me to get stuck into my career journey. Within two weeks I’d interviewed with the training provider and company, and had handed in my resignation at my retail job.

What did my apprenticeship do for me?

Within weeks of starting my apprenticeship I’d had a learning programme laid out for me, was familiar with the assignments I’d need to complete over the coming months, and received positive support from my training provider and employers. I felt so reassured and was confident that I’d made the right decision.

My digital marketing apprenticeship allowed me to -

  • Gain hands-on experience in a digital marketing role
  • Complete valuable off-the-job training
  • Earn a qualification
  • Get paid (and in my case be offered a full time role)

I found that my apprenticeship encouraged me to develop personally and professionally. Having to engage and network with new people and clients helped me grow in confidence, I improved my time management skills as I balanced all my work, and developed my soft and hard skills.

Whilst I don’t regret going to university I wish I’d have known that there are so many other routes to take. Choosing between a traditional and non-traditional route will depend on your personal circumstances, preferences, and the sector you want to work in. Remember there’s no right or wrong! Choose the route that aligns with your aspirations, and allows  you to develop the skills and knowledge you need for your career journey.

If you’re completing a digital marketing apprenticeship or interested in pursuing a career in digital marketing make sure to check out Girls in Marketing to access a range of carefully-curated resources, valuable content, and an inspiring community of women.

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