Which Degree Subjects Lead To Employment In A Related Field?
4 years ago

A survey of 338,230 recent graduates showed that 56.5% of these were in full time employment in the UK six months after they graduated. A further 12.8% of them were employed part time in the UK and 1.9% were working overseas.This only tells you how many UK graduates ended up with a job sixth months after graduating though – it doesn’t tell you how many graduates are employed in a job which actually requires them to have a degree and it doesn’t tell you how many of them end up working in a field related to what they studied.Some degree subjects are quite difficult to assess as regards employment in a related field – for example, if you study English at university you are unlikely to work directly in the field unless you are an academic who further studies the English language, an English teacher, writer or editor for example – the field is diverse.Degree subjects that lead to employment in a related fieldLet’s take a look at those degree subjects that more often than others result in employment within a related field though – there are two things to take into consideration – which degree subjects have the best employability rate generally (ie. which degrees lead to you getting any job) and which degree subjects result in a job in the field that you have studied.The top five degree subjects for related employmentUnsurprisingly engineering makes it into this category, as does IT – these skills are not only very specialised, but they are also in demand in the UK. You can see from the chart below that the employment opportunities for civil and mechanical engineers as well as for information technology professionals are set to increase between now and 2022.

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