Where Who You Are Matters More Than Your Cv
8 months ago

Where who you are matters more than your CV

Leaving school at 16, Vicki Moffatt joined Capita in 1997, after a recommendation from her
friend. From her early days working as a customer service advisor, she’s always been open
to learning and growing. Now, she’s Senior Operations Manager and in her role as a leader
she’s helping others to discover their potential.

Here she tells us a little bit more about her story:

“I left school in 1984 with good O-Level (GCSE) grades. I didn’t go on to higher education
and at the time I wanted to join the police force, not work in an office. Filing and typing
weren’t going to be my ‘thing’. I never expected to be working for an organisation like Capita
or staying for so long.

After starting a family, a close friend who worked at Capita at the time invited us to go on
holiday with them. She suggested I apply for a part-time job there to give me a bit of
spending money for holidays. So, I did. And that’s where it all began.

Growing from day one

I started as a customer service advisor on the BT paging service (this was in 1997 and long
before everyone had mobile phones). I can still remember taking my first call. It was scary,
my palms were sweating, and I couldn’t type and speak at the same time. Some of us
doubled up and took turns until our confidence grew. For a time, I had to balance working
and raising a family so I would pick and choose what roles and shifts I could accept.

I really enjoyed the customer-facing roles and was then given the opportunity to develop
further. I was enrolled into different leadership programmes and my development into more
senior roles felt like a natural progression. In my time at Capita, I’ve grown my experience
and my career across several roles including team leader, operations manager, sales
analyst, and unit administrator.

Inspiring others to grow

I’ve been lucky to have some great role models and mentors in my time here. As a leader, I
know that I can make a difference. Whether it’s supporting someone starting their first job
and needing guidance and confidence or coaching, mentoring, and developing someone
keen to pursue a career. Everyone has the potential to find their place and contribute

Being open to new things

My message to anyone looking for a career, or even just a different direction, is to give
Capita a go. The opportunities presented are now greater than they have ever been. It’s not
all about experience or qualifications anymore, you just need to apply yourself, put yourself
forward, and be flexible and willing to learn.

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