What’s The Difference Between Ba And Bsc Degrees?
3 years ago

Taking the leap to study into Higher Education can be a difficult choice, however, once you have made that choice, the next challenge is to pick from the 35,000+ courses available to you! In order to make this decision, you need to know what the terminology used means.

Alongside the titles of most degree courses, you’re likely to see a few letters and they can come in the form of “BA” or “BSc”. But, you may ask, what on earth do these mean? What is the difference between a BA or BSc? Are the qualifications the same? Which one can I get a better job with? Don’t worry, you have come to the right place, as we’re about to break it down for you!

What do BA and BSc actually stand for?

Let’s take it right back and start with the basics. BA stands for Bachelor of Arts, whereas BSc stands for Bachelors of Science. Both are undergraduate degree programmes and are used internationally. Some universities will specialise, or in some cases only offer, one or the other. Whereas, other universities, such as Regent College London, will offer both BA and BSc.

What is a BA (Bachelor of Arts)?

A Bachelor of Arts degree can take 3 or 4 years, depending on the course you wish to study, the institution you study at and the country you study in. A BA Degree allows a more expansive education as it is less specialised. Bachelor of Arts allows for more qualitative, creative thinking, whilst developing theoretical and critical thinking. This type of undergraduate degree often requires fewer UCAS points. Art and English Courses are typically BA Degrees.

What are the benefits of completing a Bachelor of Arts Degree?

  1. A great way to stand out to employers: Studying a BA Degree can help provide you with a stepping stone into the ever-changing world of employment. With a successful degree, you are bound to stand out from the crowd.
  2. Developing Skills and Knowledge: Undertaking a BA Degree not only provides you with a great qualification, it can also teach you essential skills and knowledge that you can not only take into the workplace, and also use in everyday life. You will gain critical skills that are needed in the work environment, for example, developing strong communication and written skills, as well as equipping you with organizational skills.
  3. Gaining a strong interest: You are highly likely to gain a strong level of interest within the field you study. This not only allows you to explore many career opportunities within your degree, but also gives you a platform to do what you have a passion for.

What is a BSc (Bachelor of Science)?

A Bachelor of Science, on the other hand, is slightly more focused on the subject and often requires more UCAS points. This type of Bachelor’s undergraduate programme features a more technical, and mathematical approach. Whilst this degree does promote in depth and detailed thinking, it also improves analytical and statistical thinking. It is typically scientific courses that are BSc Degrees such as Computer Science, Health and Social Care etc.

What are the benefits of completing a Bachelor of Science Degree?

  1. Great entry point: Similarly to the BA, studying a BSc, provides you with a great entry point into your chosen career path.
  2. Hands on experience: Some BSc Programmes offer sandwich courses with placements. These allow for 1 year of work experience, in the form of internships or paid jobs that allow you to explore the world of employment and gain hands on experience.
  3. Explore other avenues: Just because you are taking a BSc Degree, it doesn’t mean you are limited to ‘Science Specific’ Subjects. There is flexibility to take interest and explore other routes and options.

What’s the actual difference between BA and BSc Degrees?

Well, to put it simply, the major difference is the learning behind the degrees. BA Degrees are qualitative and creative lead, whereas, BSc Degrees require a more mathematical and analytical approach.

Which Degree should I choose?

Both degrees carry the same qualification, they will both earn you an accredited degree. It truly depends on the course you wish to study, however, both BA and BSc Degrees are equally and globally valued. At Regent College London, they offer both types of Degrees for the same course such as:

By providing both types of Degrees, you, as students are able to choose from a range of options. All of Regent College London’s Degrees are in partnership with well-established Universities such as; University of Northampton, University of Bolton and Buckinghamshire New University. In addition, the HND in Business is validated by the accredited awarding body, Pearson.

When it comes to choosing a Degree to study, we recommend taking a look at the range of courses we offer and their course specifications.

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