Weighing The Pros And Cons: Is University Really Worth The Investment?
2 years ago

We are asked this question a lot and, to be honest, there isn't a "one size fits all" answer. Whether or not the university is "worth it" for you depends on lots of factors. Among many, these factors include; what you are planning to study, what your motivators for work are and how sure you are of the career you are currently considering. Within this blog, we will explore the things that you need to consider to decide if the university is a route worth pursuing.

Key Considerations

  • Consider the cost of university and weigh it against the potential income after graduation.
  • Research the job market and the demand for the degree you want to pursue.
  • Think about the value of a university degree in relation to your career goals.
  • Take into account the potential for student loan debt and the time it may take to pay it off.
  • Consider the non-financial benefits of university, such as personal and professional development opportunities.
  • Assess the availability and quality of alternative education options, such as vocational schools or apprenticeships.
  • Research the quality of the university and its reputation in the industry.
  • Think about the quality of the professors and the resources available.
  • Consider the potential for networking and building a professional network.
  • Reflect on your own learning style and whether a university setting is the best fit for you.

Ultimately, attending university is a big decision and investment, it's important to weigh the pros and cons and consider how it aligns with your career goals and personal preferences.

What Are You Planning to Study?

There are some professions where university is the only route you can take. For example, becoming a Doctor… Can you imagine walking into the theatre and the surgeon saying, "we're going to have our apprentice do your operation today"? No, I didn't think so. 

There is a small list of professions that can only be accessed via university. This includes medicine, dentistry, and veterinary medicine.

For the majority of subject choices, you will be able to decide between studying at university or via an apprenticeship. Things like IT, engineering, creative industries and most social sciences now have an apprenticeship option.

What Are Your Motivators?

People work and study for different reasons. These are called your "motivators". For example, some people may want to work to help people. Or invent new things. Or make lots of money. 

Or maybe choosing to make less money but provide more time for their family. Working out what motivates you will help you to make decisions that align with what you want from your study and working life.

If you are someone that is motivated by money, having a degree will allow you to earn, on average, £12,000 more per year than someone without a degree. Keep this in mind when choosing your option for the end of Year 13.

How Sure Are You of the Career You’re Currently Considering?

If you're thinking of completing an apprenticeship, you need to be quite sure about what you want to do. This is because apprenticeship job roles are usually more specific, whereas a degree will keep your options a little more open.

For example, if you know you like Maths, doing a Maths degree at university will give you a few more years to work out what role you'd like to complete. Whereas, if you know you like Maths AND you know that you want to work in business, then you may decide to look at analytical data apprenticeships. 

Your Personal Circumstance

For some people, the thought of moving away from home and the "university life" element of study sounds amazing. For others, it sounds like their idea of a nightmare! People may also have additional barriers to consider, such as having family members to care for, disabilities to consider or may be anxious about moving away from home.

All of these are valid reasons to look at all your options and make the right decision for you - just remember to choose a different route but not a different end goal. There is a way for everyone to get a degree and work within the area of industries they want to - there are no barriers that should hold you back from this.

Your Skills for the Workplace

If you're not great at being on time, can't work in a team, or the thought of having to manage a degree and work feels like too much pressure - you may not be ready for an apprenticeship. A few more years in education will help you to hone these skills and feel more confident about entering the workplace. 

In summary, the university is worth it if you're looking to study certain degrees, are motivated by factors that the university offers, are unsure what job role you want to focus on if it better suits your personal circumstances, or you are looking to develop your skills for the workplace.

Our top advice would be not to rule out any options. Look at everything and make an informed decision about which route is best for you. Good luck!

University vs Apprenticeship: Which Is Better?

  1. Generally, university education focuses on theoretical knowledge and academic research, while apprenticeships focus on hands-on training and on-the-job experience.
  2. University education is typically more expensive than apprenticeships, and often requires taking on student loan debt. Apprenticeships, on the other hand, typically pay a salary and may include benefits.
  3. Graduates of university programs often have more career options available to them, but may face more competition for jobs. Apprenticeships, on the other hand, can lead to immediate job placement and career advancement opportunities.
  4. University programs can take several years to complete, while apprenticeships can last anywhere from a few months to a few years.
  5. University education often provides a broader range of knowledge and skills, while apprenticeships tend to focus on specific trades or skills.
  6. University education often provides greater flexibility in terms of course selection and the ability to change majors, while apprenticeships tend to be more specialised and focused.
  7. University education may provide more resources and support for personal and professional development, while apprenticeships provide more opportunities to learn on-the-job.
  8. Graduates of university programs may have higher earning potential, but this can vary depending on the field of study and job market demand. Apprenticeships can also lead to high earning potentials, especially in certain industries.
  9. University education may be a better fit for individuals who enjoy more theoretical and academic work, while apprenticeships may be a better fit for those who prefer hands-on, practical learning.
  10. Ultimately, the decision between a university education and an apprenticeship will depend on an individual's personal interests, career goals, and financial situation.

In conclusion, whether or not university is worth it depends on an individual's personal circumstances, career goals and financial situation. It is important to weigh the costs and benefits of a university education, including the financial investment, job market demand for the chosen field, and the non-financial benefits such as personal and professional development. It is also important to consider the availability and quality of alternative education options, like vocational schools or apprenticeships.


Will a university degree guarantee me a job?

A university degree does not guarantee a job, but it can increase your chances of getting hired and improve your earning potential in certain fields.

How long does a university education typically take?

University education can take anywhere from four to six years, depending on the program and if the student is full-time or part-time.

Will a university degree help me to develop transferable skills?

Yes, university education can help you to develop transferable skills such as communication, critical thinking and problem-solving.

What kind of support does a university education provide?

Universities typically provide academic advising, career services, and other resources to help students succeed.

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