Unlocking Your Potential: The Power Of Side Hustles And Entrepreneurship
1 year ago

Having a side hustle or starting your own business can be a great way to earn some extra money, but it also gives you the opportunity to turn your hobby and passion into a career. 

Side Hustles have always been around but over the past few years they have certainly been spoken about a lot more, especially amongst the Gen Z and millennial generations. Are you thinking of starting your own side business but not sure where to start? We’re here to provide the support you need to make it possible! 

First of all, what is a side hustle

It’s an additional employment opportunity outside of your full-time job, which provides that extra income that you need. Unlike a part-time job, a side hustle commonly has more freedom and more control, as you are essentially your own boss. You can typically pursue a side hustle that involves your passions, and eventually it could become your main career if it’s a huge success.

What are the benefits?

  • Lots of flexibility and freedom
  • A great way to earn extra money 
  • A chance to be independent 
  • Growing your confidence
  • An opportunity to get creative 
  • Learning new skills that can be applied to everyday life and other jobs 
  • Exploring your hobby and passions 

What are the first steps to set up a side hustle or business? 

1. Choose a side hustle that matches your skills and interests.

Start by making a list of things you enjoy and see if there’s a side hustle that fits. For example, if you enjoy writing, why not become a freelance writer and start your own blog website. 

Once you have a few ideas for side hustles, it’s time to figure out how to get started.

2. Figure out how you are going to manage your time

If you already have a full-time job, you’ll need to consider how much of your free time you’re willing to commit. You don’t want to experience burnout, but you also need to ensure there’s enough time dedicated to your side hustle for it to succeed. 

3. Make a strong business plan

You can’t start your side hustle until you’ve created a solid business plan. Here are some things to consider:

  • What is your main goal, what are you trying to achieve?
  • Identify your target audience and figure out how you are going to reach them.
  • Look at the competition and do some research. You can compare and learn from what they are doing. You could also get some new ideas for your own side hustle.
  • Do you need to invest some money in your business? If so, you’ll need to outline a budget.

It can be a loose plan, but it’s good to have something in place that you can refer to. In a few months time, you can review and change it if needed. 

Side Hustle and Business Ideas

If you’re not sure what you’d like to do, here are some side hustles that you could be perfect for you:

  • Dog Walker
  • Tutor
  • Personal Trainer
  • Blogger
  • Candle / Wax Melts Maker and Seller
  • Social Media Manager 

Side Hustle Network 

From working with young people and employers, we noticed there isn't enough support around side hustles and entrepreneurism, which is why we have launched the ‘Side Hustle Network’ with Gen Z Talks. Our goal is to provide that missing guidance, education and inspiration that is very much needed in today's world for anyone invested in the side hustle and entrepreneur world. There are two upcoming events that you can be a part of to help us raise awareness and launch this incredible brand! 

Side Hustles in the Corporate World

Date: Thursday 14th September

Time: 10am - 11:30am

Location: Virtual

Join us as we hear from 2 successful side hustlers about their journeys so far; as well as, 2 employers from the corporate world on how they are supporting young people with side hustles in the workplace. There will be plenty of networking opportunities available throughout the event.

Me and My Side Hustle

Date: Thursday 28th September

Time: 6pm - 8:30pm

Location: LinkedIn HQ, Farringdon, London

Come along to an inspiring evening with 4 talented entrepreneurs. Discover their journeys and how they have set up their businesses for success. You will then have the chance to work in teams to take part in our 'Battle of the Business Basics' challenge before finishing the evening with some networking drinks!

Having a full-time job and a side hustle can be challenging, however most people find it increases their life satisfaction and it can be extremely rewarding! Whatever the reason, if you want to start a side hustle, then go for it!

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