University Vs Apprenticeship: Navigating The Path To Success
2 years ago

Over the last few months, we have spent a lot of time out and about at school events. We are regularly asked “Should I go to university or do an apprenticeship?”. Now, we can’t make this decision for you. In fact, no one can make this decision for you. It’s something you have to decide yourself.

In this article, we’ll look at the differences between university and apprenticeships and how to determine which route is best for you.

Skills for the workplace

Moving into an apprenticeship will require you to manage your studies for your qualification and your job. This isn't an easy task. The only way to ensure you are successful in the workplace is to prepare yourself and ensure you have the skills required. This includes organisation, time management, communication and teamwork. 

Before applying for an apprenticeship, you need to consider if you have these skills as well as the willingness to juggle your work/life balance.

Leaving education

You may not realise it, but education provides you with so much more than “just” your lessons and learning time. You also have the support of your teachers, you’re surrounded by friends every day and there is always someone around to help you. 

This support environment shouldn’t be taken for granted. You need to consider if you are ready to leave education in the traditional sense. There will be support for you if you enter an apprenticeship, but don’t expect it to be the same level of support as you get in the education system. 

Needing a degree

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