Top 10 Coolest Jobs
3 years ago

Now, we know that what’s “cool” is different for every person. A job that one person thinks is amazing, another person will think is awful. But that’s ok, that’s what makes us all different. When we put this list together, we tried to keep it as generic as possible… Jobs we think lots of people will find cool!

Take a read below and let us know if you agree…


Before the beer goes into the bottle, can or barrel… Someone has to test it. Yes, that’s right. It is someone’s paid job to sit and sip different beers all day long. They check for taste, quality and texture. This role would be employed by either the beer brand themselves or the production company that brew the beer.

Game Designer

If gaming is your thing then this has definitely got to be up there in the coolest games you can do. In fact, there are lots of pretty awesome roles within the gaming industry. As well as designing games, there will be a team of games testers too. The average salary for a Videogame Designer in the United Kingdom is £29000.

Movie or Food Critic

Love sitting and watching Netflix? Or maybe going out for food is your thing? Well, if you don’t mind writing your thoughts down after, a critic could be a great role for you. It is their job to give honest opinions on a subject. That subject could be the newest film release or restaurant opening. 

Geo Travel Reporter or Photographer

This is an amazing job role that will allow you the opportunity to travel the world and go to some undiscovered places. As a reporter, you will write about your findings. If you go as a photographer, then you will be taking pictures. These write-ups and photographs may be used by travel companies, geographical magazines or help to inform reports on things like endangered species.

Google Street View Team Trike Member

Ok, stay with us here. We’re talking about the people who cycle around on Google Trikes and take the pictures for Google Street View. Because the whole world is available on Google Street view, by the time they have been everywhere, photographing every street, it’s pretty much time to start again. So, if you enjoy cycling, want to travel and enjoy all the benefits of a Google employee, this could be the role for you.

Hollywood Stunt Person

If you want to be involved in the Hollywood scene but acting, directing or technical roles aren’t for you, then maybe a stunt role could be the perfect alternative! One day you could be escaping a mock fire, the next jumping from a building. We’re pretty sure every day in this job would be different!

Professional Bridesmaid

This is a relatively new role that first arrived in the USA. It is basically the next level of wedding planners. As well as planning every step of your wedding, your wedding planner will also be there on the big day, posed as a bridesmaid, ensuring everything runs smoothly. It has been reported that people have been paid up to $1000 (£753) for the day!

Fortune Cookie Writer

You know those little, wise one-liners you get in fortune cookies? It is someone’s job to write them! This could be a job you do full time or you could be a freelancer, with just one of your projects being Fortune Cookie Writing. You need to be a great writer who is able to be creative in just a few words. 

Private Island Caretaker

Imagine a millionaire is going away (in this day and age, probably to space because, well, where else would a millionaire with their own island go?!). They need someone to take care of their island. Someone has got to do it, right? To do this job, you will need a wide range of skills and be happy to work on your own for long periods of time. Your tasks may include gardening, maintenance and repairs/improvements to the island.

Cybercrime Investigator/Ethical Hacker

In order to test a company’s security systems, someone needs to test them. We call this an Ethical Hacker. They find ways through security systems so that companies can then make improvements to keep their data and systems safe from non Ethical Hackers. You need to have high level IT and cyber security knowledge to do this job.

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