Tips On Setting Goals For The New Year
2 years ago

As we enter a new year, it is the perfect opportunity to set yourself some new goals. Whether it be for your study and career or a hobby you enjoy in your free time, setting goals is the first step to achieving more!

In this blog we’re going to discuss some tips on setting goals in order to make them realistic, achievable and, most importantly, enjoyable.

Write them down and set in review dates

One of the most important things to do when setting goals is to always be working on them. You can’t just set goals and leave it there. You need to plan when you’re going to track your development. For example, you may choose to check in with these goals every 3 months. If you haven’t achieved as much as you would’ve liked that is more than okay. This review time is there to help you understand why that might have happened and keep you on track with your goals.

Share them with friends and/pr family to hold yourself accountable

The key to keeping yourself on track with achieving your goals is to hold yourself accountable. Holding yourself accountable is a lot easier said than done, and that’s why sharing them with family or friends can be super beneficial. If they know that you’re working towards a big goal this year, they will help and encourage you where possible.

Also, sharing your goals with each other can make achieving them more enjoyable. You might find that you and your friends are working towards the same goal and have more fun doing it together!

Make them specific

When setting your goals, you need to ensure you’re being specific. This means not just writing down a goal but exploring how you’re going to achieve it and by when. For example, if your goal is to become stronger in your role at work, you need to track the areas you’d like to strengthen and plan when you’re going to work on improving in these areas. Going into this much detail for your goals will automatically make them feel more achievable and encourage you to start working towards them.

Break down your goals

When setting goals, it can easily become overwhelming, which can cause you to either give up or not set any at all. The key to avoiding this is to break down your goals. Breaking down your goals will make them feel more achievable and give you a plan to follow. For example, if your goal is to pass your driving test, break it down into steps. Step one may be to look at your income and see how much money you can put away to save money for lessons. Step two is to start lessons. Step three is to revise for and pass your theory test and step four is to sit and pass your driving test! Having these steps makes it feels more realistic and attainable.

Reward yourself

Something we often forget to do to ourselves is reward ourselves. We can get so caught up on making sure we are achieving new goals that we forget about all the progress we’ve made along the way. When reviewing your goals regularly, it’s good to reward yourself when you’ve made a lot of progress towards achieving a goal. This will help keep you motivated and focused on your goals.

Try out some of these tips and get yourself ready for some big accomplishments in 2023!

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