Thinking Of Leaving University?
4 years ago

Are you one of the tens of thousands (almost 1 in 4 to be exact!) of young people currently unhappy at Uni? Are you feeling disenfranchised and have realised that university is not the right route for you? There's no shame in leaving university if you're feeling that it is not for you.

There are many reasons why you could be feeling unhappy and it's important to find your true calling in life. We won't go into detail about why you're not enjoying your time in higher education, the point is you're here and we want to help you in whatever way we can. It seems that when you reach 18 you're hit with the decision of your lifetime, the big one - 'university: to go or not to go?'. In truth many people follow their mates in going to university, perhaps not motivated and unaware of the alternatives. Well now we're bringing you the alternatives, and they're still open to you. We've met loads of graduates (and non-graduates for that matter) in our time and most of them stated their unhappiness with the level of advice they got prior to Uni and you may be feeling the same way. is here at your disposal.

What are my options now?

There is still a wealth of opportunities open to you, whether you decide to enrol on an apprenticeship, go into a job as an A-Level trainee, opt to train towards a professional qualification whilst working, get an employer to sponsor you through a degree or even transfer what you've already learnt at uni and study debt-free with The Open University.

What does it mean to 'dropout' of uni?

Leaving University is a very tough decision to make and truth be told, you can always go back in the future should you want to. What makes it even harder to leave is the negative connotation associated and something which is heard too much in American movies...dropout! In reality if you leave university it doesn't mean in any way you're lazy or a failure. In fact, and by coincidence, four of the most successful people in the world of IT and computers 'dropped out' of uni!

  • Bill Gates: founder of Microsoft is perhaps the best known University 'dropout', now worth $58billion.
  • Mark Zuckerberg: founder of Facebook, now worth $1.5billion.
  • Steve Jobs: founder of Apple, now worth $5.4billion.
  • Michael Dell: founder of Dell, worth $16.4billion.

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