There’s More To Your Interview Than Just “give Me A Job!”
4 years ago

One excellent acronym that’s worth remembering is PPPPPP. Or, in English, “Proper Preparation Prevents Pretty Poor Performance”. And that, when it comes to interviews, is absolutely true: there’s no way you can waltz in, say “Give me a job!” and get offered one.

One way to prepare properly is rehearsing those standard interview answers about your interests, experience and education so they trip smoothly off the tongue, and you’re not left looking like you’re desperately searching for the answer to the simplest of questions.

You’ll also need to do as much research about the company as humanly possible: where it’s been, where it’s at now and where it’s headed in the short, medium and long term.

And then, of course, there’s looking the part. Whatever the company’s dress code – from strictly formal to happily casual – conservative is the way for you to go, at least at interview time. Dark suit, boring tie and plain shirt for men … a smart skirt and blouse or a trouser suit for the ladies. And shoes – don’t forget to shine up those shoes.

Eye-catching jewellery? No. Piercings and “interesting” hairstyles? Again, no – leave them until you’ve been employed for a couple of months.

Being prepared also means making sure you arrive at your interview on time. That could involve a trial run, just to make sure, and then adding a few more minutes, just for those unexpected – but inevitable - delays.

What to bring with you? Copies of everything, from your original application, to your CV and covering letter, to the company’s response, and any other paperwork you’ve received or sent.

Being prepared also knows how to pronounce and spell your interviewer’s name. Obviously that’s common courtesy, but it does also create an excellent impression if you’re being interviewed at a company where you’re required to sign in, when you can put next to “Reason for Visit:” “Interview with Mrs Juliette DeVries, HR Manager”, as opposed to just “Interview”

Just before the interview, make sure your mobile’s switched completely off, and start the interview itself with a firm handshake and by greeting the interviewer by name.

Just to remind you, “Give me a job!” isn’t the best way of asking to be taken on – you’ve got to convince your interviewer the company was right to shortlist you and invite you to that interview.

At the end of the interview, when you’re asked if you’ve got any more questions, you do – oh, yes, you definitely do.

And it’s going to make a very impressive change from everyone else who either really don’t have any questions … or who make light of it by saying they don’t have any questions at the moment, but they will as soon as they walk out of the door.

Your question will run along the lines of “What else can I say to prove that I’m the right person for the job?”

Now it’s up to your interviewer to raise any concerns … and it’s up to you to shoot them down. It’s your best chance to secure that job, so make the most of it … and however tempting it may be, never, ever say “Give me a job!”


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