The Institution Of Engineering And Technology Launches New Awards To Recognise Apprentices And Technicians
4 years ago

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has launched a new awards scheme to recognise the best and the brightest apprentices and technicians. The scheme will see an apprentice, a technician and an Armed Forces technician walk away with £1,000 each, two years free membership of the IET and payment of their professional registration fees.

The new awards aim to raise the profile of the good work that apprentices and technicians contribute to engineering businesses through outstanding engineering or technical understanding and ability; or by taking on an ambassadorial role in schools, through volunteer work or as role models.

Professor Andy Hopper, IET President said:

“These awards are part of the IET’s Inspiring Engineering Excellence Awards Series, which last year provided over £500,000 to celebrate excellence and research in the sector and encourage the next generation of engineers and technicians. All of our awards seek to inspire engineering excellence, right from apprentices and technicians at the start of their careers through to highly established professionals.”

A spokesperson from GCHQ, which is sponsoring the awards said:

"The Apprentice and Technician Awards scheme is a particularly special scheme because it acknowledges the significant impact that young people are having on engineering businesses through boosting productivity and enhancing the skills base. Modern apprenticeships in particular are a genuine alternative to University education and lead to just as rewarding a career path. There are three prizes available so we'd urge apprentices, technicians and Armed Forces technicians to put in an application on via the IET website before the deadline on 31 May."

Award Scheme Categories

The award scheme welcomes entries from apprentices and technicians who can demonstrate an exceptional engineering contribution in developing a product, service or process. There are three categories:

· IET Apprentice of the Year Award: this award is for an individual, or team of up to five apprentices, in at least the second year of an IET Approved Apprentice scheme, making good progress towards the apprenticeship qualifications.

· IET Technician of the Year Award: this award will recognise a technician from the engineering, technology or education support sectors around the world.

· IET Armed Forces Technician of the Year Award: this award will acknowledge a member of the UK Armed Forces.

Find out more about the Apprentice and Technician Awards and apply online 31 May 2013. The short-listed candidates will be invited to attend the prestigious IET Achievement Awards ceremony on 20 November 2013 to find out who the winner is.


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