Students' Cost-of-living Worries
4 years ago

Student money advice website Save the Student says that students are resorting to high-risk financial strategies and tactics to fund the rising cost of student life.

The website surveyed 2,332 students and found that living costs had increased dramatically over the past year, and that eight out of ten respondents were worrying about not having enough money to live on.

Rent remains their biggest concern, with the average amount spent rising by £128 during the last twelve months, to an average of £358/month.

This brings the average student's monthly living expenses to £763.

More than 50% of the students surveyed said they relied "heavily" on parental support when it came to finances, while nearly 70% said they didn't think their parents helped them enough.And nearly 70% of those students were either working part-time or looking for a part-time job.

20% said they were gambling to boost their funds, and 25% said they'd consider either earning money by taking part in medical trials, or by working in the adult entertainment industry.

Save the Student's editor, Jake Butler, says: "It is clear that now more than ever before students require much more in the way of support, awareness and wider education when it comes to personal finance.

"Maintenance loans only go so far to cover the rising cost of living. It's also important that students are made aware that support is there for those who really need it."


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