Spend The Summer Changing Lives Whilst Planning Your Own!
4 years ago

Fundraisers are intelligent, articulate, tenacious, passionate and a seriously cool crowd to hang with!

If you are all of the above, are finishing exams, in the middle of your gap year or simply looking for inspiration for the next few months of your life we like to hear from you.

Street fundraising is a rite of passage. After a summer of promoting some of the finest and most deserving causes on the planet you will feel, and be, a winner! Street fundraising is not for everybody because not everybody is exceptional but if you are, please get in touch.

We can offer you full time work in the sunshine (and occasional shower), on a competitive hourly rate (£9.00 in London, £8 in rest of the country) plus generous and achievable incentives. You will work in City centres approaching members of the public and helping them feel good about their life by making a regular donation to the charity you are promoting. We work with some of the most well know charities in the UK including Shelter, The British Red Cross, Marie Curie and The Children's Society. If these are causes you care about, are looking for work and want to do something meaningful, please get in touch.


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