Skills That Could Be Perfect For An Apprenticeship

I believe there is a career for everybody, and without knowing, you could have the skillset for so many apprenticeship opportunities. The amazing thing about apprenticeships is that, unlike a decade ago, there are such a variety of different roles, from banking to law, construction and beauty.

There are both corporate opportunities as well as more vocational work, and that is what makes them so accessible to almost everyone! I bet you there is an apprenticeship within the career field you want to enter!

Sometimes university isn’t for everyone. Like myself, I wanted to kick start my career and apply textbook knowledge to real-life scenarios, and if that sounds like you, then I would highly recommend looking for an apprenticeship, but which one?

This blog will hopefully provide some guidance into what skills could fit different industry opportunities that host a range of apprenticeships.

What Are the Types of Apprenticeships Available in the UK?

As mentioned above, the types are endless, with new industries/sectors joining the craze and adding an apprenticeship programme, faster than ever. But here is a list of some of the most common and popular UK apprenticeships – linked with a high pay:

  • Accounting
  • Bookkeeping
  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • HR
  • Legal services
  • Criminal investigation
  • Management
  • Payroll
  • Financial advice
  • Marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Engineering

You can get a better overview on types of apprenticeships by visiting this blog.

Which Skills Could Be Perfect for an Apprenticeship?


If you like finding solutions using analytical techniques and analyzing data, then finance/banking could be for you. Using your network and leveraging your knowledge to create reports and drive decisions from data are just some skills you would use in this career.

If you are still in sixth form/college, studying economics, maths, politics, business or physics, then a career in finance could be a natural transition. We have many opportunities on our site, related to such an industry. Use the search tool to type in related words.

In saying that, finance has multiple roles, especially in larger firms, so don’t feel restricted if you didn’t study anything like the above. Many roles are also focused on analyzing communications, building on projects and gathering a vast network to contribute to ongoing initiatives.

Some roles include operations, project management, business management, trade assistant, sales assistant or product control.


If you traditionally prefer breaking down structured texts, looking into the narrative of a piece of work and studying dates and facts, an apprenticeship in law could be a great fit!

Studying subjects such as English, History, Politics, Sociology, or Religious Studies would transition nicely as it would prepare you to break down contracts, interpretations of the law and case examples whilst studying for your law qualification.

Although apprenticeships are new to the world of law, there are a variety of paralegal and solicitor apprenticeships for the less conventional approach to qualifying. Even some magic circle firms have apprenticeships available! (Keep an eye on the NGTU site!)


If you were always more practical, naturally able to pick things up quickly and are good at building/creating things, a construction apprenticeship could be the perfect route! There are a variety of roles, from a laborer, quantity surveyor, structural engineer or site regulator.

Many decide to take an apprenticeship in construction to learn from practical projects and play a key stake in their creation to build their portfolio of experience, which is handy in this field of work.

There are not any recommended subject transitions. If you are interested in a construction role, skills I would recommend having are logical thinking, practicality and creativity.


If you are always empathetic to others and have an interest in psychology, then applying for an apprenticeship in HR may be a great fit. Do you count yourself as an easy-going and easy-to-talk individual? Do you often care about others' success too, and want to try to support them as far as possible?

These attributes would be a perfect fit for an HR apprenticeship. The great thing with this career, like the others above, is that you can really gain invaluable knowledge and experience from on-the-job training, which you will carry with you throughout your career.


Were you always interested in caring for others and fixing their problems? At school, did you always have an interest in Science, Geography or Maths? An apprenticeship in medicine may be the perfect route for you!

Especially with apprenticeships within the NHS having both physician and nursing apprenticeships, to name only a couple. There are a variety of options where you can support your passion for human anatomy and improving others’ lives whilst having sponsored study as a part of the apprenticeship on offer.

You can now kick start your career by learning on-the-job whilst also qualifying as a nurse or doctor through the apprenticeships on offer by the NHS without exclusively attending university!

Final Advice

Hopefully, that’s guided you with options for different apprenticeships available that may fit your skill set. It’s completely okay not to know what you want to do, especially if you are at the age of leaving education.

My advice is to choose a career you think you will be passionate about. There is always room to move around, too, so don’t think you are stuck in the same career forever!

Pick an apprenticeship you believe your natural skill set would be good at but more importantly, choose an apprenticeship that you are passionate about.

By being passionate and hardworking and by putting your mind towards something, you will be successful no matter what.


What skills are needed for an apprenticeship?

To succeed in an apprenticeship, some important skills are problem-solving, communication, time management, teamwork, the ability to work independently and follow instructions, a strong work ethic and reliability, attention to detail, creativity, and a willingness to learn new things quickly.

Technical skills may also be needed for whatever type of apprenticeship you find. Additionally, having a positive attitude, strong motivation to reach goals and objectives set by mentors, and respect for coworkers and superiors can help find that perfect match.

How long does an apprenticeship last?

Apprenticeships provide an excellent opportunity for individuals to learn a trade and gain valuable skills. However, many people are unaware of how long they last.

The duration of an apprenticeship varies depending on the type of job; generally, such programs range from 1-5 years. Some apprenticeships involve more in-depth training and require extensive knowledge, resulting in a longer overall program.

What are the success rates of apprenticeships?

Apprentice programs have long been used to introduce aspiring professionals to the job market and to offer a unique combination of classroom instruction, on-the-job training, and mentoring.

However, despite their much-touted benefits, research shows that the success rates of apprenticeships are mixed. In the UK, the current success rate of apprenticeships is.

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