Single? How To Cope With Valentine’s Day
4 years ago

It’s Valentine’s Day this weekend, which may be great news for couples, but can be a slightly depressing time for those who are single. However, there is no need to feel down about things if you are prepared and have some plans of your own. Rather than feeling sad about what you don’t have (a boy or girlfriend), isn’t it much better to appreciate and make the most of what you do have? Of course, you may need to avoid some places – such as going to watch romantic movies at the cinema – but that is no reason to say you have to stay home feeling lonelier than a hermit. So, here are some ideas to get you through Valentine’s Day…

  • Catch Up With Someone

Rather than feeling alone, why not use the opportunity to catch up with an old friend or family member who you have not seen in a while. It will be nice to catch up with them, and you can feel appreciated as you swap stories of what you have been doing lately.

  • Party!

Of course, you may wish to take things up a notch! Let the couples have their romantic dinners while you get out there and party! Meet up with other single friends and have some fun – who knows you might even end up meeting someone new? And, if not, you’re still having fun!

  • Treat Yourself

You don’t need to spend time and money treating someone else on Valentine’s Day when you can treat yourself instead! Do something you enjoy – whether that is lounging about playing video games, pampering yourself, or even hitting the shops. You might want to avoid going to restaurants full of doe-eyed couples, but there are plenty of other things you can be doing instead – especially since Valentine’s Day falls on the weekend this year!

  • Get To Work

Alternatively you might want to use the time to get ahead. Whether that is burning some calories and making your place look nicer by tidying up at home (perhaps coupled with some shopping for a few nice new bits for your room?), or just getting on with some study. It may not sound like the most fun ever, but you will feel better for it while it should take your mind off of flowers and chocolates for a while too.

  • Do Something New

Since it is the weekend there is plenty of opportunity for you to go somewhere new or try something you haven’t done before. Maybe you could sign up for a class or sports team (allowing you to be with others), or head out somewhere new like a museum (most of them are free too!), or even try cooking yourself a fancy new meal. Use the time to expand your horizons and maybe even improve yourself – you could even start by reading about how your body language works?

  • Get Some Sun

Why not take yourself away by planning a dream holiday or looking into options for a Gap Year? Imagining you are relaxing on a beach somewhere or setting out on an adventure is a lovely way to while away some time – especially when the weather is still bad outside!


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