Shaping Young Lives - Combining The Power Of Sport With Education
4 years ago

Sports education specialists SCL, have a mission to improve the lives of over one million children & young people each year through sport-based learning & education, coaching & active childcare.

At the heart of this mission is their Football Career Academies, 2-year full-time education and football development programmes for 16-18 year olds who are looking for a career in sport.

SCL’s Football Academies are currently delivered in partnership with over 50 professional and non-league clubs and private academies. The Academies have been mirrored on the approach taken by the professional clubs to create unique and unrivalled programmes that aim to both inspire young adults into education and help to develop future first team stars.

The Academy provision is dedicated to learners welfare and with 8hrs of physical training (excluding matches) and 12+ hrs of classroom learning a week, SCL has in place a vigorous study programme set up to ensure each learner is given a fighting start and supported to succeed throughout their course right from enrollment to graduation.

The programme is fully adaptable to the needs of the learners who are supported through individual development and training plans. SCL have also set up their own Youth Development League which creates opportunities for academy players to play regular competitive matches, 22 of their partner clubs currently take part.

SCL are very proud of their Learners results,Academies see an overall 65% success rate in English & Maths. SCL ensure that they support learners with their career choices upon graduating from the academy with over 68% of their Learners progressing onto FE/HE or employment.

SCL understandthe need for continued improvement and optimisation of its programmes to ensure successful learner outcomes. SCL continuously invests in new technologies to support their students in a way that’s relevant and engaging.

October 2016 saw the launch of the Pro VLE, (Virtual Learning Environment) a digital learning platform which provides learning resources, individual learning plans, progress reports, careers advice and next steps and helpline facilities (advice, information and guidance). As part of this project SCL has also implemented Commentary Box, an online monitoring tool to fully support the learners football training and analyse their performance based on the FA’s four corners; Technical, Psychological, Physical and Social.

Nothing brings SCL’s work to life more than SCL Graduate Dwight’s story….

In 2013, aged 16 Dwight was forced to leave home and found refuge in a hostel, whilst there he was given the opportunity of enrolling on SCL’s BTEC study programme at Bromley FC. Once part of the programme, Dwight found the confidence to excel, he secured a one bed flat, gained essential life skills and became fully independent.

Inspired by his own journey combined with the skills he learnt whilst on SCL’s career academy, Dwight volunteered at St Matthews Project in Brixton to help other disadvantaged young people and secured paid work as a football coach.

Upon graduating from SCL’s 2 year BTEC programme, he successfully secured a place on a NVQ Level 3 Apprenticeship programme with SCL.

SCL helped Dwight apply and secure a place at the FA University Wembley Campus where he started his degree in Oct 2016 in Sports Business and Coaching.

SCL’s support and advice throughout Dwight’s education helped him to pursue a career in sport and succeed at a time when personal situations were greatly impacting his motivation. To this day Dwight is still close with his SCL Tutor, Coach and mentors.

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