School Of Communication Arts
4 years ago

Welcome from the Dean:

Have you noticed that the best ideas are usually so simple that it is hard to believe that it took so long for someone to conceive of the idea in the first place? School of Communication Arts is unique for so many reasons. Here are three things that make it such a unique place for you to launch your career;
-A student to teacher ratio of 1:6 (that's six teachers to every student).Every teacher is a top creative practitioner. Which means that our students develop a powerful network of valuable contacts whilst developing their abilities.
-An entirely new vocation (Ideapreneur). This has captured the imagination of the advertising and venture capital industries. So much so, that some of our Ideapreneur students will receive £10,000 of funding for their start-ups whilst at the school.
-An accredited curriculum written by practitioners using wiki tools. This simple idea enables us to teach the most up-to-date knowledge, which is essential in such a fast changing world.

There are plenty more ways in which The School of Communication Arts is considered to be the leading school for advertising, some of which you will find in this prospectus. But the thing that sets us apart, more than anything else, is our cohort. I wish you good luck in winning a place at the school. If you are successful, you are on a fast track to a very rewarding creative career.

All the best, Marc Lewis

Welcome from the Principal

Welcome to the 21st century. The new School of Communication Arts is a 21st century model for professional education.

The pathways have been designed collaboratively with the industry; the teaching is delivered and supported by mentors who work in the industry and the approach of the school is one of hard professionalism backed by unique funding. As a place of learning our ethos is one of professionalism, creativity and quality. Our pathways are validated by the biggest arts university in the world, University of the Arts London Awarding Body. This is your guarantee of quality from us. The pathways are created by the industry which is your guarantee of relevance.

Advertising has changed and is still changing. The multitude of possible channels and technologies mean that the sky is the limit with regards to creative solutions. The pathway will equip you with the skills to enter the world of advertising and be successful or to be a successful Ideapreneur. The rest is up to you. Passion, interest, commitment and creative fire are what we expect of you.

Welcome to the school. Richard Adams, BA (Hons.), PGCE, MA, FRSA

Why are we different? Good question! We are different for a variety of reasons. Our school is created by the industry for the industry and the curriculum is written with the industry, by the industry. Our teaching is provided by mentors who all work in industry and give up some of their time to help you achieve your goals. We are different because we choose to make our pathways as vocational as we can. Make no mistake, this is professional quality education and we expect professional standards from all our learners. We are also different because we are a social enterprise and we have a constitutional commitment to equality of opportunity and diversity.

We have Unique Industry Backing We have the direct backing of a number of senior advertising and industry figures who sit on our board. These include, Lord Tim Bell helped found Saatchi & Saatchi is a world renowned communications expert.

  • Sir John Hegarty is one of the worlds most famous creatives.
  • Rory Sutherland, Vice Chairman of Ogilvy Group.
  • Chris Gorman OBE, massively successful telecoms entrepreneur.
  • P Y Gerbau, entrepreneur.Saul Klein, VC and founder of Seedcamp and Open Coffee Club.
  • Seb Bishop, a former student of the original SCA, is the International CEO of (RED) and search marketing pioneer.
  • David Howe has had an extensive career in arts education and further education. His education roles have included teacher, examiner, arts advisor, inspector, enterprise project manager, and college principal.
  • Rosemary Forsyth has been the General Partner of the Forsyth Group since she founded the company in 1981.
  • Robin Wight, President of The Engine Group.
  • Sir John Hegarty is one of the worlds most famous creatives.
  • Rory Sutherland, Vice Chairman of Ogilvy Group.
  • Chris Gorman OBE, massively successful telecoms entrepreneur.
  • P Y Gerbau, entrepreneur.Saul Klein, VC and founder of Seedcamp and Open Coffee Club.
  • Seb Bishop, a former student of the original SCA, is the International CEO of (RED) and search marketing pioneer.
  • David Howe has had an extensive career in arts education and further education. His education roles have included teacher, examiner, arts advisor, inspector, enterprise project manager, and college principal.
  • Rosemary Forsyth has been the General Partner of the Forsyth Group since she founded the company in 1981.
  • Robin Wight, President of The Engine Group.
  • What we offer At the heart of our offer is a professional class education for the creative advertising industry. We have created three pathways. One for Copywriters, one for Art Directors and one for what we call Ideapreneurs. All learners coming into the college will pass through a combined first term that gives you a foundation in all aspects of the industry. After that you will split into your three pathways and pursue highly specialized content and work with live briefs. The Art Directors will pursue formal training and learning in art direction for the 21st century. The Copywriters will study copy as a creative medium across all channels and technologies. The Ideapreneurs will pursue creative ideas that can be turned into solid businesses and will in turn apply for start-up funding during their pathway.

    We and the mentors believe that this will equip you all with the professional skills you will need to survive the world of creativity in advertising.


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