School & College Students Globally Achieve Excellent Results In Cisi A’level Equivalent Exam
4 years ago

Results published today show that school and college students globally have achieved excellent results in the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) the first ever sitting of its new A’level equivalent exams.

Of a total of 54 global candidates who sat the two units which compose the CISI Certificate in Finance, Risk & Decision Making (Cert. FRD), 36 achieved the overall award, a 67% pass rate.

The CISI Cert. FRD is a Key Stage 5 level 3 equivalent qualification, carrying up to 120 UCAS points when taken in conjunction with the Certificate for Introduction to Securities & Investment. Archbishop Beck College Liverpool began teaching this qualification to students from six local colleges in September 2013.

The Cert. FRD is composed of two units: Money, Economies & Uncertainty, which explores the characteristics and functions of money, giving candidates a practical grasp of macro-economics. The second unit, Investment Decision Making, Accounting & Governance equips candidates with the means to apply their knowledge at the micro level, in a business context.

Rachel Bailey, aged 17, the highest scoring student at Archbishop Beck College said: “The past year has by no means been easy. Balancing three AS levels and the CISI Diploma has been difficult but I made sure I worked hard in all aspects to achieve results I could be proud of.

“When I logged on to discover I had achieved the grades I wanted I was ecstatic, as Investment is the area I would like to work in and I wish to study Economics at university.

“I thoroughly enjoyed working towards the first part of the Diploma and I am looking forward to carrying on with my studies this year. I can’t wait to begin my research essay and hopefully maintain the marks I have achieved. I would advise anyone who wants to work in the financial sector to undertake the opportunity as I have been able to speak with business professionals, undertake work experience and make my personal statement stand out, especially when applying for a course focused on the economy and the financial sectors.”

Joanne Welsh, teacher of the CISI Level 3 Cert. FRD at Archbishop Beck College said: “Educational practitioners always want to know that students have achieved their potential, so are just as anxious as the students on results day. On receiving news of the results, I was pleased that students did reap the rewards. As expected, the CISI examinations were written to an exceptionally high standard meaning students should pat themselves on the back for their achievements.

“This year has undoubtedly put them in an extremely strong position because they have shown commitment to a course other than their A Levels. This is something that will help them stand out from others when completing application forms, regardless of whether it is an application for University (this will really make their personal statement stand out) or an application for an Apprenticeship in the industry (how impressive will this look on their CV!).

“Additionally, by studying this qualification, they have opened up opportunities for themselves in the future, something I don't think they will realise until a few years time when they do enter the competitive world of work and they do have a qualification that really will make others sit up and notice them.”

Twenty six candidates in Colombo, Sri Lanka also sat the CISI Cert. FRD. Dulmini Sathya Sri Dharmapala, aged 19 and Tiara Balasuriya, aged 20, were the two highest scoring candidates from Lanka BPO Academy.

Dharshana Illamperuma, Director & Chief Lecturer at Lanka BPO Academy said: “I am pleased with the excellent performance of students from Lanka BPO Academy having obtained the world’s number 1 and 2 positions during the July sitting of the CISI Finance, Risk & Decision Making exam.”

Ruth Martin, CISI Managing Director said: “The results show that this new qualification can be taken globally by young people in full time education with excellent results. We congratulate these students and also their teachers and families who have played key supporting roles in their success.”

The CISI Cert. FRD is a route to a number of outcomes available for students depending on their career and study goals. It can lead to higher level qualifications which can be taken as part of an Advanced Apprenticeship in Providing Financial Services, for UK students.

In addition many universities are accredited to offer CISI qualifications and offer exemptions to students who apply with CISI qualifications, such as the CISI Cert. FRD, and who intend studying finance based degrees. For overseas students this can offer an alternative route to university into the job market.


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