Rachel From Luton Sixth Form College Volunteered Abroad With Restless Development
4 years ago

Rachel from Luton Sixth Form Collegerecently came back from a placement with Restless Development.

She volunteered in Nepal on the International Citizen Service, this is what she thought of it:

"ICS is a government-funded programme for 18 to 25 year olds. It enables them to spend 3 months in developing countries all over the world. It is delivered by six charities that support young people to learn more about these countries, help local communities and become global citizens.

I went to Nepal with the charity Restless Development. I was placed in Dadeldhura, in far west Nepal. It’s completely off the tourist trail but very beautiful, with amazing views of the Himalayas.

I worked with my partner, a volunteer from Nepal, on a daily basis. She was crucial in helping me overcome language and cultural barriers.

Together, we worked in schools and community groups and helped to launch a youth information centre for local young people.

I worked with local organisations, helped local people and lived with a Nepali family, and it was a fantastic experience. I learnt a lot about myself, the different lives people lead and some of the problems faced by people in one of the poorest countries in the world.

However, I also realised how many similarities there were between me and my new colleagues and I became part of a new family.

Another great thing about ICS is that most of the costs are covered by the programme (despite some fundraising by each volunteer). This means that it’s accessible to all young people, including those who haven’t thought about travelling or development work before because they’re worried about the cost.

I travelled a long way from Luton to Dadeldhura, but I came back with a new understanding of people and lots of valuable experiences – so why not consider making the journey yourself?"

Apply now! www.restlessdevelopment.org/ics


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