Not Going To Uni – But Want A Degree?
4 years ago

It may seem like an impossible problem – you want or need a degree, but for some reason you simply can’t go to university. However, don’t give up on your dreams, but rather consider a solution to help you get the qualification without going the traditional university route. It is almost like a well-kept secret that you don’t have to go to university to get a degree – at least not in the standard sense. But the solution for finding what is best for you depends on why you want to avoid university in the first place.

For some it is not the university that is the problem, but the need to move away from home to study. Those with commitments, such as caring for loved ones or even work, still have options available to get a degree. You needn’t give up on your dreams if you look at the alternatives that are available.

Distance learning is one such solution to the problem. You will need to be motivated to complete your studies, but it can offer the perfect way to get your qualification without having to head off to uni. Distance learning can allow you to study from home, while also offering much of the same support that a traditional university can deliver. With online forums, video conference calls, and other forms of interaction, you needn’t feel alienated from other students, and can also interact with your tutors to make sure you understand what you are doing. In many ways, the Internet has allowed us to virtually achieve what was only possible physically at a traditional university. Rather than bringing students together to where the course is, distance learning reverses the model and sends the learning to the students.

With a wide variety of courses available, distance learning is a strong alternative to traditional university. Plus, it can even work out to be cheaper than paying fees and attending a traditional university to get your degree.

Of course, money is a real concern for many potential students, and you may be turned off by the thought of building up tens of thousands of pounds of debt before you have even found a job and begun you career. Some may see it as investing in their own future, and it’s true, in many cases, you won’t be required to pay back the money until you are earning over a certain amount. But why not avoid paying at all, and get someone else to invest in your future for you?

You won’t have to try and find a long-lost great uncle with millions to give away, as by turning yourself into a commodity, you can get an employer to pay your way through getting a degree instead! A sponsored degree is where a company or business pay your fees for you and put you through your studies (often while you work), on the proviso that you will be a useful employee for them once you have qualified. You may need to agree to stay with the company who paid your way for a set time, but you will also be gaining experience of work and earning some money while you study for your degree.

Admittedly, the sponsored degree options depend on what you want to do – as it needs to be something that has a viable business return. In short, it needs to be worth someone’s while to pay for your degree.

These are just two options for getting a degree outside of the traditional university route, but when it comes to work and getting a great career, it is worth also considering whether you need to go to uni at all?


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