Meet Molly, Marketing Apprentice
7 months ago

My role is within the Sky Sports marketing team, predominantly on the customer and product side. However, I am also involved in advertising and campaigns. My team is incredibly supportive and actively encourages me to get involved in various projects.

The projects I'm involved in include weekly tasks that involve coordinating projects and ensuring all customer communications are correct before being sent.


What is it that you love most about your role?

I love watching and playing sports, so working on Sky Sports is an incredible opportunity. All my work is engaging, and seeing the output is exciting.

During my time at school, learning was essential to my success, but I often felt my work didn't matter. However, being a part of the projects at Sky, I have seen it out in the world. I have a unique opportunity to learn in an innovative and dynamic company in an area I am passionate about. My role allows me to meet people from all areas and levels within the business, ensuring a holistic learning experience.


Describe a project or career highlight where you were able to make a difference.

Sky Zero exists because Sky puts a lot of effort into building a low-carbon economy and inspiring positive change for the planet. I have worked with them on various projects, such as creating merchandise or finding the most environmentally friendly way to transport prize winners to sports fixtures.


At Sky, we’re always challenging ourselves to deliver the next big thing. Describe what that’s like and why it’s exciting.

Due to Sky's dynamic nature, something new is always happening. Whether that is a new way to watch content or a new Tennis channel, Sky is always looking forward to innovating how they work.

I have attended many courses and talks about best practices within my role. I am constantly learning how to improve my work for the best results. For example, I test our customer comms to ensure we are as efficient and engaging as possible.


How is Sky an inclusive place to work where you can be yourself?

Sky encourages a healthy working and learning environment. This is especially true for someone who has just left school, has never done marketing outside of studying, and has never been in a corporate environment.

Initially, it felt daunting, but my colleagues and managers were welcoming and ready to help me with anything. Since joining, I have received continuous support from my team to try new things.


What’s been your favourite takeaway from your experience as an Apprentice with us?

The most important thing I have learned in my apprenticeship is that I need more self-confidence.

Apprenticeship programs are highly competitive, and my success in securing a place in such a forward-thinking and creative environment has significantly increased my confidence in my abilities.

My apprenticeship has given me the confidence to articulate my thoughts and talk to senior people about my ideas. When I first joined, I didn't even have the confidence to send my emails without having them triple-checked; however, now I am managing email threads about major projects involving various people across Sky. 

I feel so much more confident now in giving feedback, which is challenging, especially when you are new to doing so. While I have learnt much about marketing through my work and apprenticeship training, this scheme has also pushed me to work on my soft skills.

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