Making The Most Of Free Periods At Sixth Form
4 years ago

One of the great things about Sixth Form is not having to do a full timetable each week. Free periods when you don’t have any class are great, but it is all too easy to spend the time chatting and wasting the opportunity that this extra time can bring while you are actually at college. Rather than putting things off you can use the time to get ahead. Here are a few ideas to help you make the most of your free periods at Sixth Form.

  • Get Your Homework Done

OK, so this one is first as it is the most obvious, but there is a real benefit to getting at least some of your homework done in your free periods – and that is less to do later! While you may ask if there is any point to homework, it still needs to be done. By doing some in a free period, not only are you making up time for yourself in the evening and weekends but, if you get right down to work after your class has finished, any information will be fresher in your mind.

  • Make a ‘To Do’ List

Being organised will certainly help your studies and cut down on any nightmare scenarios where you forgot that a piece of work had to be done until right at the last minute! Your to-do list doesn’t have to be long, but you will definitely get some satisfaction when you start ticking tasks off as done.

  • Revision Prep!

Your exams may still be a way off, but why add more work to your load then when you can get started now. Take a moment to put together some revision cards that you can use later. Doing this while your memory is still fresh will mean that you don’t have to look over pages of notes to revise later!

  • Speak With Your Tutor

Sixth form gives you a much greater chance to speak with your teachers than you had at school. You might be able to catch up with them during a free period to get help with something you don’t understand. Your tutors are like a resource to help you get through your A levels – so don’t be worried about calling on them if you need to!

  • Look Into Your Options

Whatever you are planning to do after Sixth Form, why not use the free time to look into your options. Of course, you can search for a variety of training and work opportunities right here at NotGoingToUni, but you might also want to look through university prospectuses or visit your college careers advisor (if you have one!).

  • Get Some Exercise

Sitting about in class all day isn’t the best thing for your health, so don’t be afraid to use your free period to get some exercise. It doesn’t have to be a full gym-style work-out. Just going for a walk can work wonders - taking a break to stretch your legs can also help you de-stress and reset your brain for your next class.

  • Take A Break

Fair enough, this list was supposed to be about how you can use your free periods productively, but sometimes taking some time out is productive. You can’t expect yourself to just keep working endlessly without burning out, so don’t forget to use the odd free period to just take a break. In fact, it has been shown that having a nap can actually improve your studies!


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