Life As An Apprentice At Wbd!
10 months ago

It can be daunting starting a new career, surrounded by different groups of people and not knowing how to navigate your role. This is why we make sure that our apprentices have the opportunity to network with one another, supporting each other in their roles and getting involved in group activities and sessions!


The Early Talent team supports new apprentices to get in contact with other apprentices from day 1. Whether they have been at WBD for a year, a week or have just started on the same day as you, there is always something that you will have in common! This is a great way to put yourself at ease when you first start so that others can help you find your way around and give you any advice that they may have liked to hear when they began working at WBD. Our offices are a great place to chat as we have lots of open spaces to sit and talk, including the canteen and booths on each floor. 


One of the ways you can get in contact with the apprentices is on our apprentice group chat where we share what events are going on and ask any questions about the learning involved in the apprenticeship. We also have an online group on our work intranet site for interns and apprentices to find out about upcoming events and things to get involved in, such as our Fall Global Internship Video Campaign. For this, a group of interns and apprentices filmed themselves talking about their role at WBD, what it’s like to be part of the Early Talent network and the fun that comes with it. This was then posted on the WBD social pages to promote our programmes Globally! 


The Early Talent team also regularly host speaker sessions where they arrange for someone from a different department to come and talk to the Early Talent group about their role and what they have been working on. This is a great way for apprentices to learn more about what goes on in all areas of the company! Our most recent speaker session was delivered by two members of the Marketing and Publicity teams who created and delivered the campaign for Barbie in the UK. We learnt about how they tailored their marketing campaign to fit the British market and the success that came from it, as well as a Q&A afterwards where everyone got the chance to pick their brains. Following this session, the Early Talent team hosted a quiz for the interns and apprentices where they could win various prizes. We had to work in teams with other interns/apprentices we hadn’t met before to work out the answers to various Trivia questions on WBD content. This was a really great way to meet new people in an informal setting, network with people in different departments and have some fun!


In addition, the Early Talent team are beginning to run support sessions for apprentices to help aid one another in their learning. 20% of the job is dedicated to studying towards your qualification, however, there are always aspects that people struggle with as well as the difficulty of juggling both work and the apprenticeship at the same time. Therefore, the team thought that putting on these sessions would be a fantastic way for the apprentices to support each other and to take some time away from their busy work schedules to look at what needs to be done each month in order to be successful and on track with the qualification.


There are a host of other events happening across our offices each week which you can get involved in as well. These include our monthly Pizza & Prosecco celebrations, early screenings to our new film releases and the chance to play our new console games when they come out! We also have Business Resource Groups at WBD that you can join if you identify with the group, or just want to learn more about different cultures and backgrounds. These include Women of Warner, Black Outstanding Leaders Delivering, Pride (LGTBQ+ group) and Being (Multicultural BRG). They host regular events such as book clubs, speaker sessions, exclusive screenings, and celebrations for important occasions, like Black History Month, Student Pride, Diwali and more!


Finally, there are always opportunities to help different departments and assist with events like premieres for our latest films! This way you can get to know people from all areas of the company and it will look great on your CV.


We hope this gives you a little bit more of an understanding as to how our apprentices fit into our company and the value that they bring!

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