Learning For Fun: Are You Mad?
4 years ago

After a long day at school or college the last thing you might want to do is more learning. Feeling drained from the day, you will probably want to relax a little, let your hair down, or do something different. Homework aside, you probably don’t really think about studying in your free time, except that is exactly what you are doing all the time.

OK, well maybe not ‘studying’ like you do at college, but certainly learning. If you read a newspaper, magazine, book, or website you are taking in information – and that, in essence, is what studying is all about.

Of course, taking in information from a gossip magazine is different from sitting down to study algebra, and as a result you probably don’t even notice that you are learning anything much. However, ask any gossip-mag fan to tell about what is happening with the biggest celebrity names, and chances are they will be able to tell you the latest. There won’t be any need to look up the info, as they will have learnt from what they have read – and sometimes in quite a lot of detail.

Learning doesn’t have to be about reading, either as you can also take in information from TV, radio, movies, podcasts, and any number of other areas. In addition to this there are real-life learning experiences. These can include learning skills (play the guitar, for example), or visiting somewhere and learning something while you are there.

Learning can be fun, if you are interested in the subject. You might have an interest in history, mechanics, fashion, music, or any number of other topics. Taking in information related to these – in a form that you enjoy – takes the slog out of study, but it can also be more than just a hobby.

Could your passion be turned into a career?

Even if you can’t seem to find a way to get your interests worked into your career, you should not give up on learning new things. By staying open to new experiences, new information, and new ideas you will stop yourself becoming stagnant and out of touch. You will continue to grow and develop even when you are no longer in full-time education.

While college or school can provide a great foundation, there is no reason why you shouldn’t continue to specialise your knowledge in your own time. You may be able to turn those ideas and information into a career at a later date. Indeed, in this day and age, many employers like to see that you have interests, experience, and a passion – even more if it is applicable to your job!

Even if you don’t actually work in an area that ties in with your interests, you can still use what you learn. Life is about more than your job, and you never know what will happen in the future. Wisdom and intuition are great things to have, but with knowledge they are made stronger. Don’t be put off of learning for life – it’s up to you what you feed your mind, so why not make it count?


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