Imagine For A Moment, A World Without Print.
4 years ago

No signs to help you navigate around your world. No greeting cards carrying wishes for happiness. No way of telling the Cornflakes from the Coco-Pops. No signage to identify your favourite shops. No wallpaper or prints to decorate your home. No symbols on the keys of your computer

Print is tactile and seductive, powerful and effective.

Print informs and illuminates, it brings us beauty and entertainment; it communicates and educates and inspires. Print delivers outstanding value and return on investment. And print is one of the most sustainable and environmentally responsible industries on the planet.

Is this an industry you would like to work in?

The BPIF is a Youth Friendly Learning Provider, meaning we understand the importance of helping young people into education and training. As the leading apprenticeship provider within a £13.5bn strong industry we deliver programmes that give you the best start for your career in print. These include but are not limited to:

  • Digital Print
  • Machine Printing
  • Print Finishing & Binding
  • Print Administration
  • Carton Manufacture
  • Business Administration
  • Team Leading
  • Management

As well as ensuring you get the best quality apprenticeship we want you to have a say in how this is delivered, which is why we have created an Apprentice Council for the industry, a platform for our apprentices to express their views on the industry and make clear their needs.

To see if a print apprenticeship is right for you have a read of what our current print apprentices think about their apprenticeships:

Why did you choose an apprenticeship?
I chose an apprenticeship due to the fact that going to uni doesn’t guarantee me a job anymore like it used to, nowadays employers want experience within a desired role or industry. I believe that an apprenticeship offers the opportunity to gain both knowledge and experience which is crucial to getting a job today.
Daniel Pelly, 21 – Machine Printing Level 3

What’s your favourite part of your apprenticeship?
Learning from people who have so much experience and can pass on a wealth of knowledge
Jonathan Taylor, 26 – Machine Printing Level 3

If someone wasn’t sure about an apprenticeship, what would you say to them?
I’d tell them about my story and others that I know. I would show them all the great things my apprenticeship has brought me and explain it could be the same for them too.
Josh Thomas, 24 – Print Finishing & Binding Level 3

Would you recommend an Apprenticeship?
Apprenticeships are great, there's no limit to what you can achieve. In many ways I think apprenticeships are a much better alternative to university. The same level of qualification can be achieved and you get real experience within the job you are doing. So once you pass your apprenticeship and start the job as a fully qualified member of staff, you are a lot more confident then someone who has just left uni and starting the job for the first time.
Liam Walton, 19 – Machine Printing Level 2

If you had to describe your apprenticeship in 5 words – what would you say?
The best decision I made!
Sophie Chuter, 21 – Digital Print Production Level 2

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