How To Really Treat Your Job Search ‘like A Job’
3 years ago

It’s advice almost every career professional I know shares, cited in thousands of blogs, and I’ve even used it myself when helping young people on the prowl for that coveted first job.

The advice?

‘You’ve got to treat your job search like a job.’

But, wait: Job searching is the opposite of having a job. So, how does one do that exactly?

Having had a few students ask me this over the last few years, I sat down and thought about it in more detail. This is what I came up with to help anyone understand — and put into place — treating their job search like a job.

  1. Consistency

  2. One of the most important aspects of treating your job search like a job is consistency. When you have a job, you have to show up every day you’re expected to. You have to be on time and work until the scheduled ‘end’ of the workday. 

    Aside from actually turning up, you also have to do the work assigned to you. Sure, we all have a day or two where we might not be the most productive, but no matter what — we do what we’re paid to do.

    Apply this to your job search, and you’ll reap the benefits. Here’s what this can look like:

    • Commit to a set number of hours per day a week for job searching and only job searching. Don’t over-commit or put too much pressure on yourself, but show up to this commitment consistently.
    • Create a ‘task’ list of things you will complete during your job search time (for example, apply for roles, research companies, sign up for job alerts, develop my resume/cover letter).
    • Keep doing it. The clue is in the title — you need to keep at it consistently until it pays off.
  3. Organisation

  4. Students will confidently tell me they’ve applied for ‘hundreds of jobs’ but when I ask them to show me the jobs they applied to, when they applied, how they applied, closing dates, and their application or cover letters, they tend to get a bit flustered.

    I’m not trying to catch them out in a lie; I’m trying to see what their methods are. At work, we have to have something to show for what we’re doing - your manager needs to see output from you - and you can apply this same principle to your job search.

    Here’s what organisation can you like with your job search:

    • Keep a job diary to track all your applications and activity, including when you applied, who/where you applied to, closing dates, and when you should follow up.
    • Set reminders or alerts on your phone for application deadlines.
    • Structure your job search time appropriately — if there’s an important application you need to make a priority, then do!
  5. Research

I’m constantly researching and updating my knowledge of my industry. This means reading the news headlines relating to my field, checking out the latest blogs and newsletters from trusted sources, and engaging with colleagues across social media. It’s ongoing and I set aside time in my week specifically for these activities.

You need to do the same when you’re job searching. Stay up to date with your chosen industry and keep on top of the latest developments and news. These help in two ways:

  1. You maintain a connection to your industry even if you’re not actively working in it at the moment.
  2. You have up-to-date knowledge you can leverage at job interviews or networking events to demonstrate you're still current and knowledgeable.

Research isn’t just about focusing on your industry, however. It can be applied to a range of different beneficial activities within your job search including:

  • Conduct a skills analysis and commit to upgrading yourself — there are hundreds of online courses (many of them free) to help you do this.
  • Research new companies and organisations you might like to work for — sign up for job alerts and connect with their LinkedIn business pages for company updates.

4. Implementation

When I learn a new career idea or theory, I upgrade my professional knowledge somehow and I implement it in my work.

While you’re job searching, you can do the same. Implementing new ideas or knowledge you gain while unemployed can benefit you by:

  1. Demonstrating to employers your commitment to the industry and that you're proactive in your professional development.
  2. Helping you to feel productive and maintain control over your professional identity.

What might this look like?

  • Writing articles on a free platform, like Medium, but you could also write on LinkedIn.
  • Sharing professional achievements, such as certificates gained through online study.
  • Sharing articles, news or research you discover that you found interesting, with a comment or two on why you think it’s relevant.

5. Relationships

We rarely work in lonely silos. Even if the work we do daily is ours alone, we often have multiple people around us we can engage and bounce ideas around with.

It’s important not to let social isolation get the better of you while job searching — relationships are a vital part of our work lives, so it makes sense to ensure when you’re treating your job search like a job, you factor this component in too. Here are a few ways to do that:

  • Stay engaged on professional networking sites and attend local networking events (where it is safe to do so, considering the current pandemic).
  • Check out job search clubs — local libraries often have these, and it can be helpful to go along and not feel like you’re alone in this experience.
  • Don’t be nervous about sharing with friends and family your struggles if they’re getting to you. These people want you to succeed, and if they know you need help, they’ll be there for you.
  • Make time for socialising — don’t let job search burnout get to you, and make sure you allow downtime to rest and relax too.

Job Searching IS a Job

Job searching can be a very time-consuming and intense experience if you let it. Just as we try to maintain equilibrium with a work-life balance when employed, you need to do the same when you’re unemployed. 

Keep in mind that it took on average three months for individuals to find a new job before the current pandemic.

Set aside a structured timetable for work-related job search activity and stick to it as much as you can. I promise this help you feel more in control of the experience and ultimately lead you to success in the long run.

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