How To Find And Apply For An Apprenticeship
4 years ago

Applying to go to uni to do a degree is a lot like applying to do A levels as there is a need to get certain grades to make good on an offer from your chosen university. However, an apprenticeship is much more like landing a regular job – there is no ‘UCAS’ for apprenticeships with potential apprentices having a number of different choices when it comes to finding and applying for an apprenticeship. These include searching for an apprenticeship right here on NotgoingtoUni, heading over to check the National Apprenticeships Service online, or even approaching local employers directly.

Different apprenticeships require different ways of applying, with some asking for an application form to be filled out, others wanting a C.V. and some requiring an interview – just like a regular job. Each apprenticeship will include details on how to apply, and you can apply to any openings you find here on our site by setting up a user account.

If you found the apprenticeship yourself – perhaps through an employer – you will need to contact them in order to find out how to apply for the training. Remember that you are entering the world of work, so be professional when you call – you only get one chance to make a good first impression.

With this in mind it I s worth finding out what you can about the apprenticeship and the employer themselves. As with applying for a job, you will want to do your research to make sure the role suits you as well as looking up the company’s own website to get a little more information on them. This research should give you an idea of the company structure and ethos – similar apprenticeships can offer different experiences depending on the company you work for. You will also want to make sure that the apprenticeship you are applying for is at the right level for you.

Some applications can be done online while others will want you to telephone, send a paper C.V. or go and meet the employer in person. Some larger employers even have an automated process via a website link where you may have to get past an initial stage before you get to speak with a real person and make your application!

The important thing to remember, wherever you go to find your apprenticeship, is that it is like any other job with an employer insofar as you will need to be accepted onto the course. Unlike with a university application this is not just about getting the grades.

If you are called to interview it is worth remembering that you will need to impress the employer – an interview is not all about what you want out of the training, but also what you can offer to them in return.

While it may seem a little more hit-and-miss than submitting an application to UCAS, applying for an apprenticeship can lead to great career opportunities in a variety of different roles. Offering on-the-job experience, training, and a wage rather than tuition fees, it is clear to see why more young people are taking the opportunity to become apprentices.


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