How Do You Get An Apprenticeship? Preparing For Your Interview
4 years ago

1.Why have you applied for this apprenticeship?

The key word here is THIS. They want to know why you want to do an apprenticeship with them in particular.

2. What do you know about the organisation?

Do your research and find out all about them and what they do.

3. What do you think we are looking for in an apprentice?

Remember, they are not likely to be looking for loads of experience, but they will be looking for specific character traits and attitudes.

4. Apprenticeships involve work and study. How will you balance the two?

Be prepared for this one. How are you going to do it?

5. Where do you see yourself in five years?

Probably not a good idea to say that you see yourself doing something totally unrelated to the field of work that the organisation is involved in.

6. Can you give us an example of a difficult situation that you have experienced and how you dealt with this?

Again, it can be hard to think of an example on the spot, so beforehand consider all the difficult things that you have dealt with and identify one thing, which you cope with really well.

7. What would you say makes a good team player?

They will be looking for a candidate that can list some key attribute, such as reliability and it’s a good idea to be able to follow these up with a ‘for instance…’ example.

8. Can you give us an example of when you have used your initiative either at home, school or work?

As with question six, think about perhaps what you’ve had to do for school – maybe you’ve had to use your initiative to complete a project.

9. What would your teachers / friends say your strengths / weaknesses are?

Be honest but selective with your answer and always follow it up with an explanation of how you are or will deal with this.

10. Do you have any questions for us?

ALWAYS have one!

Final tips:

Dress smart, be polite andbe punctual!


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