Hands Up If You’re Not Doing A-levels
4 years ago

As GCSE pupils receive their results, Barnardo’s is calling on the Government to ‘do its homework’ and ensure it is fully prepared to support the extra young people staying on in education and training under the new requirement to continue learning until age seventeen.

Jonathan Rallings, Barnardo’s Assistant Director of Policy and Research, comments:

“Congratulations to the GCSE students who have worked so hard to get their results. Now the government must show it’s done its homework too, and has fully prepared for them to all stay on in education or training this autumn.

“Under new requirements, this year an extra 52,000 young people are expected to continue in learning until age seventeen (1). Many of these young people would have previously dropped out, due to extra challenges such as financial hardship or learning difficulties.

“An additional desk will not be enough to help these students secure success in the classroom. The government must make sure that the right financial support, course options and careers advice exists to ensure every young person is able to benefit from the extra year in learning.”


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