Good News For Railway Fans Who Can't Decide Between Uni And An Apprenticeship
4 years ago

Network Rail is offering around 240 places on their 2013 advanced apprenticeship scheme, and Chief Executive David Higgins says that young people, parents and educators should realise that an apprenticeship can provide all kinds of career opportunities - including a university education.

Many of Network Rail's apprentices rise through the ranks and go on to management positions, but for those wanting to achieve further qualifications, there's the chance to study part-time for an HNC in engineering before going on to a foundation degree and a bachelors at Sheffield Hallam University.

Mr Higgins says: “There are many paths to achieve a successful career. Whether you join straight from school or after college or work, the apprenticeship programme can be the first step to a challenging career."

And that's a sentiment echoed by former apprentice Camilla Banner, who now works as maintenance team leader and says: “I am thrilled to have completed my HNC and although it was difficult it has really helped to get me ready for the rest of my degree.

"By the end of next summer I hope to have completed my foundation degree in engineering and then onto the bachelors.

"My depot and Network Rail as a whole have been really great with supporting me during my studies and I look forward the successfully completing in 2015.”

So if you're keen enough on all things rail-related to seriously consider a career with the railways, but you can't decide between an apprenticeship and a university education, this might be your ideal opportunity to combine the two ... and get the best of both worlds!


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