Get Ready For The New Academic Year
4 years ago

Whatever you will be doing come September; whether you’re beginning an apprenticeship, starting college or moving into sixth form - now is the time to put your mind to having a successful year. Here are a few ideas to get you on the right track.Get organisedIt is never too early! Get your supplies ready and avoid the last minute panic. Invest in some decent notepads, pens, highlighters and folders ready to start the new year organised. Start as you mean to go one and set aside a few minutes each week to sort through your notes and keep them organised by topic or date – the time spent doing this will pay off in the end. There are some great apps and gadgets out there that can help with study too.Get an alarm clock and set it!Whether you are starting an apprenticeship, a college course or sixth form study arriving on time is absolutely vital - be punctual if you can’t be early. Make sure that your alarm clock (and that isn’t your Mum!) is set and that you get up when it goes off. If your alarm clock doesn’t get you up then try an app that forces you out of bed.Once you’ve started your studiesFind a study buddyIt’s so easy to get distracted and leave work till the last minute; get yourself a buddy who will encourage you to get on with work. Two heads are better than one and you’ll find that you help each other out by chatting over homework and things.Set yourself remindersUse your technology well – reminders on your phone that tell you when homework and things are due can really help keep you on track.Take notes properly Notes are exactly that – don’t copy down everything word for word that lecturers put on the board or on a PowerPoint – get yourself in the habit of listening, understanding and then writing some keywords and brief notes in your own words. Not only will you understand better, you’ll avoid plagiarising by accident. Do the same with any books that you read.Getting sorted for sixth form or college might be the last thing on your mind right now – but try to remember that starting something new is exciting and you’re inching ever closer to (hopefully) your dream career.

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