Germany Looking For British Apprentices – More Details On How To Apply
4 years ago

Following our news story last Wednesday, which featured the German government's drive to recruit apprentices from here in the UK, we've had a lot of requests for more information - specifically "How do I find out more" and "Where do I sign up?"

So we've done a little further digging, because the UK news stories we checked didn't give us the answer to either of those questions. It's taken a while, but here's the link everyone's been looking for:

As you can tell by the ".de" suffix, it's a German website, but the link above will take you to the English pages, where you'll find out all you need to know about the programme - from how applicants are selected ... to initial German language courses here in the UK ... to a further course once you've arrived in Germany, just to sharpen up those language skills a little further.

For those who like the idea in theory, but who aren't sure about it in practice, there's the opportunity of a two-month internship before you sit down and sign the contract that sees you starting your (well-paid) training.

It all kicks off either on August 1st or September 1st this year, and training will last until August 31st 2016.

So, we're sorry we couldn't have given you all those details until now, and hope this link was worth waiting for.

And if you do decide to apply - good luck!


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