Gap Years: Party Time Or Preparing For Adult Life?
4 years ago

Many people are still - for whatever reason - operating under the illusion that a gap year is nothing but an excuse to leave home … and spend as much time as possible trying to damage as many brain cells as humanly possible in exotic surroundings with the help of the local firewater.

While for too many people this can be exactly what a gap year entails, the majority of those taking their gap year place local brew brain cell reduction somewhat lower on their list of priorities. That's not to say they're not out for a good time during their travels, but there's a time and a place for everything good - and there are more important issues to consider.

For example, there's the question of what you're going to put on your CV when it comes to those twelve months away from studying and away from work of any kind - at least at home in the UK. It's the same with a CV no matter how old you are: if there's a gap between jobs, you're expected to give the reason for that gap, and what you did during that time.

So if, say, you're in media studies, and you've managed to wangle yourself some gap year work experience in well, let's just say Hollywood for the sake of argument, imagine the effect that's going to have on a potential employer glancing at your CV in those few seconds it takes to make the decision whether to bin it ... or follow up on it.

As soon as the magic word Hollywood hits the reader right between the eyes, you've got more of a chance of an interview than 99.999% of all the other applicants for the position.

On the other hand, you might want to put your gap year to good use and do something with your skills to benefit those less fortunate than yourself. Again, a little write-up in your CV of how you spent a year in a South American village helping to build a school and install sanitation is going to give the reader the impression that you've got a social conscience and can see a project through.

So we’re not saying the local firewater isn’t there to be sampled – we’re just saying that with a little forethought you could tailor your gap year activities to give you the work experience employers are looking for … and the chance to impress them with your CV so much that they can’t help inviting you in for an interview.


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