Five Good Reasons To Get Your Free Copy Of The Results Survival Guide
4 years ago

Leaving school or college this year? Well, while you’re getting your palms all sweaty waiting for the Envelope Of Doom (or Joy) we suggest you get your hands on a copy of our Results Day Survival Guide. We’ve put together five stellar reasons why it’s a good idea to head over to the NGtU Guide page and download your free copy.

1) It starts well with YouTube superstar Suli Breaks telling you exactly why you shouldn’t let an exam result decide your fate.

2) It’s got a quick and easy review of all your options, regardless of how well you do in your exams. That’s right, no matter what you get on your A-Levels you still have plenty of options. We’re even seeing a rise in the number of young people who ace their A-Levels and still choose another option other than university. Fancy knowing what your options are?

3) The only place you’ll find clearing places for HE courses at colleges. Yep, you can do HE courses at your local college. Foundation degrees, HNDs, HNCs – all very sensible options and you can do them far more cheaply than if you go to uni. Find out who has places here.

4)The ultimate flowchart for helping you decide what to do. Start at the beginning and work out if you’re making a good, informed choice.

5) Look at it – it’s amazing! The front cover alone is a collector’s edition already! Get your free copy now!


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