Distance Learning At Its Most Distant
4 years ago

Astrobiology? That's the study of extra-terrestrial life - wherever and whatever it may be.

But if you’re thinking we're not being serious, think again: currently Edinburgh University is running six new course modules that have been taken up by more than 300,000 people ... and each of those who've enrolled is studying without having to set foot outside their home.

Thus the power of MOOCs - Massive Open Online Courses. Right now, they're designed to run for less than a couple of months, as tasters for people who can't commit themselves to full-time studies, but who still have an interest in higher education.

And although they don't offer much in the way of qualifications - at least not at Edinburgh at present, although some MOOCs based in Africa do offer the chance to sit exams - they're not exactly expensive.

In fact, the Edinburgh Uni MOOCs are free, and anyone can sign up for them from anywhere.

Other MOOCs offered by Edinburgh include artificial intelligence planning, equine nutrition and an introduction to philosophy.

Professor Charles Cockell, who set up the astrobiology MOOC, says the response to his lectures is leaving him overwhelmed.

Retired people in their seventies and even eighties have signed up, as have high school pupils and even students at other universities.

"I think", he says, "people are interested in the history of life on Earth and whether there could be life elsewhere, but I was surprised by the response.

“The course asks questions about how life originated and how it came to be on Earth, life in extreme environments and the possibility of the existence of life on other planets like Mars. Right at the end of the course there’s a discussion about extra-terrestrials, what the consequences of detection would be and the possibility of life beyond.

“The most gratifying thing is there have been study groups forming in India, China, Pakistan, Canada, the USA and all over the place. There’s even an astrobiology group in Kosovo.”

Now that's what we call distance learning – at a serious distance!


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