Degree Apprenticeships Faqs
4 years ago

Are you looking to apply to a Degree Apprenticeship, deciding on whether a traditional degree  course is right for you or simply looking to learn more? Look no further! We’ve compiled a list of the  most commonly asked questions to help in your search. 

What is a Degree Apprenticeship? 

A degree apprenticeship is an educational framework that combines studying towards a degree with  practical work experience, giving you the best of both worlds. You’ll be employed, paid a salary and  study part-time. 

At Pearson College London we offer Degree Apprenticeships in Business Management where you’ll  have the opportunity to become a Chartered Manager at the end of the programme. You can find  out more here

How do I know if a Degree Apprenticeship is right for me? 

There is no right or wrong answer to this question. Studying a traditional degree or Degree  Apprenticeship are both great experiences. 

If you feel like you would benefit from both work experience as well as academic learning, then a  Degree Apprenticeship may be right for you. You can find out if you’re suited to a Degree  Apprenticeship by taking this handy quiz. 

What are the benefits of a Degree Apprenticeship? 

There are plenty of benefits involved in studying a Degree Apprenticeships, but we’ve listed the main ones below: 

You'll receive an annual salary - you’ll be able to earn whilst you learn  

Your tuition fees will be paid, so there's no debt to accrue! 

You’ll receive a recognised qualification, just like students who follow the traditional route

Get professional experience, giving you a competitive edge once you graduate

What are the entry requirements? 

To study a Degree Apprenticeship, you’ll need to meet the following criteria:

• Eligible to study an apprenticeship in the UK  

• Aged 18 or over at the start of the programme  

• Completion of any study you're currently undertaking, before the start of the programme  

• GCSE English (literature or language) and GCSE Maths at Grade C/4 or above OR Functional  Skills Level 2 English and Functional Skills Maths Level 2 at pass (or equivalent qualifications  as approved by the ESFA)* 

Most entry requirements vary from scheme to scheme so you must check this when applying.

Where and how can I apply?

There are many Degree Apprenticeships on offer so it can often be difficult knowing where and how  to apply. Unlike traditional degrees and UCAS, there is no central application with apprenticeships.  You just have to keep your eyes peeled for when individual schemes go live. 

At Pearson College London, we have two application windows, depending on whether you are  looking for a January or September start. To be considered for the opportunities when they are  available, you must first complete a general Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship application,  going through our pre-screening process which is outlined here. 

Not Going to Uni is also a great way to find and apply to Degree Apprenticeships. You can filter your  search to find exactly what kind of apprenticeship and industry you are looking to go into. 

Where will I work on a Degree Apprenticeship? 

This all depends on the scheme you apply to.  

At Pearson College London, we have established Degree Apprenticeships with a range of employers,  from large corporations to SMEs, a wide variety of roles means there’s a scheme to suit everyone  with the right determination and dedication. 

Some of the employer partners we have worked with in the past to deliver schemes include Tesco,  Estée Lauder, Moët Hennessy and L’Oréal. 

How does the study leave work? 

Generally, Degree Apprentices will spend one day a week studying towards their academic  qualification. If you choose to study with Pearson College London, this is typically on a Friday but be  sure to check each individual scheme as the day may vary. Apprentices may also get extra study  leave during the week dependent on their employer.  

What happens at the end of a Degree Apprenticeship? 

After completing a Degree Apprenticeship there will be plenty of opportunities available to you. You  may have the chance to apply to another role within your current company or you can apply for  another job elsewhere. Whatever you choose to do, the skills you would’ve learnt during the  apprenticeship will put you in a good position to progress into an exciting and bright career. 

Where can I find more information about Degree Apprenticeships? 

If you would like to find out some more information about Degree Apprenticeships, you can head  over to our dedicated webpage.

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