Dealing With Disaster: Keeping On Track When Things Go Wrong
4 years ago

Sometimes real life can get in the way of your progress – whether that is at work, college, as an apprentice, or in university. A crisis can strike from a number of directions from a health problem, a death in the family, or the sudden break-up of a relationship. When such things happen it can be tough to keep yourself going and focus on your studies or work. Some will try to find solace in their work, throwing themselves at it with abandon to keep themselves occupied, but others may find that despair sets in and the last thing they want to do is homework or going into college. However, it is the manner in which we deal with these tough times that help build your character, they make you stronger, smarter, and more resilient for the future. That said, you don’t have to deal with things on your own. The first step in staying on track is…

  • Know Who You Can Trust

When a crisis hits it is worth knowing who you can trust to help you. This is an important stage in dealing with the situation. You may have good friends who you can depend on for advice and practical help – so use them. You need people to rally around you right now with support, but be careful of those who may try to take advantage of the situation, won’t bother to really help, or may just gossip. These type of acquaintances are no use to you right now so don’t make the mistake of confiding in them. Instead try to remain cool, calm and collected around these types of people – they needn’t know anything is wrong.

  • Get Some Help

Once you know who you can turn to, make sure to get some help. This may be emotional or practical. If you are at college make sure to speak with your tutors or the head of your year or college so they know what is going on. You may need to let your boss or supervisor at work know too – especially if you feel they can help you with your workload. Of course, be sure to abide by the first rule when seeking help, but know that it is perfectly fine to get some help when times are tight. Get the support you need to make sure your work doesn’t suffer – even if that means calling on a few favours from your colleagues or friends.

  • Make A Plan

Once you have found the people to help you will need to develop a plan. This can be created with the assistance of a tutor or your supervisor. Without a plan it is easy to let things drift, but it needs to be manageable and realistic for where you are right now. It is better to keep doing a few things than letting everything slide! Keeping things going could help you stay confident - especially at work.

  • Give Yourself a Break

Finally, give yourself a break to recover and deal with the crisis. You may be able to take a few days off as holiday, but even if not, don’t be too tough or demanding on yourself right now. It is better to ease off slightly and give yourself space to recover than trying to keep going only to find you are really struggling. Use you plan to get yourself back on your feet and your trusted support to keep you going while you do. In the meantime make sure you get enough rest and eat properly – your mental health can be affected by what you eat!

Things will get better and easier in time – every dark night is followed by a bright day.


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