Cumbria Apprenticeship Fair Shows 98% Of Apprentices Go Into Employment Afterwards
4 years ago

Training provider GEN II (Gen2) yesterday ran an event at its Skills Centre in Kingmoor Park, Carlisle, where young people were encouraged to take up one of the 150 remaining apprenticeships on offer.

GEN II trains apprentices for companies like British Gypsum, Pirelli, McVitie's and Nestlé.

Other employers represented at yesterday's event included the local County Council, First Engineering Services, Hunters Engineering and Welding and Innovia Films.

Innovia Process Safety Engineer Greig Hill was there to demonstrate what a good choice an apprenticeship could be to young people thinking about their careers, and said: “Taking a hands on approach to learning is very valuable and getting the experience whilst earning at the same time is great”.

“Some young people see going to university as the only way to progress and they don’t realise how many opportunities are available through apprenticeships.”

19-year-old Sam Ogle is in the third year of his four-year IT engineering apprenticeship at Innovia, and said: “Most of my friends went to university and some did apprenticeships, but it’s the ones who went to uni that are thinking it was the wrong decision.

“It is very competitive for jobs in the IT world, which is why it is a good idea to do an apprenticeship where you are more certain of getting a job at the end of it.

“I am doing hands on work fixing problems in local offices as well as remotely round the world.”

GEN II, together with employers and apprentices attending the event highlighted the fact that 98% of apprentices gain themselves a job once their training is complete.

GEN II's Marketing and Communications Manager, Holly Woodhead, who helped organise the event says: “We wanted to raise awareness of the success of apprenticeships in Cumbria and change the perception of them. A wide range of apprenticeships are available, it’s not just engineering.”

Apprenticeship vacancies include scientific and nuclear operations roles, electrics and electric design, business administration, warehousing, welding and pipefitting, and are open to applicants aged between 16 and 24.


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